Vladimir Kenigson
Vladimir Kenigson
Top Movie Cast
Washington Storytrue- Jim Grayson Right of First Signaturetrue Джентльмены, которым не повезлоtrue The Unforgettable Year 1919true Cheka Employeetrue- Berzin An Extraordinary Assignmenttrue- Krivoy Салон красотыtrue- Пётр Максимович Лагунов The Northern Lighttrue- Smith Shot In The Backtrue- Ника Никифоров, старый актёр Major 'Whirlwind'true- Writer Traub Two Tickets for a Daytime Picture Showtrue- Rubtsov The Tale of Yevpatiy Kolovrattrue According to the Criminal Investigation Service...true- Gomelskiy The Canterville Ghosttrue- привидение (голос) Touches on the V. I. Lenin's Portraittrue Goal! Another Goal!true- Manager Khomutayev Unripe Raspberriestrue- Бедьяр Optimistic Tragedytrue- Сиплый Explosion After Midnighttrue- Rendel' The Secret of the Third Planettrue- Robot at Shelezyaka Planet (voice) The Fall of Berlintrue- Gen. Krebs The Variegateds Casetrue- Иван Васильевич Зотов, полковник милиции Passenger from the 'Equator'true Messrs. Golovlevstrue- Porfiriy Vladimirovich Miles of Firetrue- Beklemishev Friends and Yearstrue- Куканов Escape of Mr. McKinleytrue- эпизод The Chain Reactiontrue- "Cardinal" The Last Sacrificetrue- Salai Saltanych Gena the Crocodiletrue- Salesman (voice) They Live Nearbytrue- Semyon Yefimovich Lyubov Yarovayatrue- Malinin Swans of Nepriadvatrue- Mamai (voice)