Jiřina Steimarová
Jiřina Steimarová
Top Movie Cast
Kolik slov stačí lásce?true- Head of hatter The Good Soldier Švejktrue- prostitutka Anděla Einstein kontra Babinskýtrue Never Strike A Woman... Even with A Flowertrue Paklíctrue- Lola Andělová The Windy Mountaintrue- Jiřičková The Very Late Afternoon of a Fauntrue Poslední mužtrue- Tonča Vacková Irčin románektrue- Irča Miňovská Pozdní láskatrue- Julinka Na Svatém Kopečkutrue- Heda The Masked Lovertrue- Emílie A Star Travels Southtrue- Navrátilová - passengers at the airport Those Wonderful Movie Crankstrue A Week in the Quiet Housetrue Time of the Servantstrue- Marková Etudes for Piano Studentstrue- babička I Dutifully Reporttrue- Lady in the Brothel Life for Jan Kaspartrue- Mrs. Karesová Chlap jako horatrue- Kátina matka Lion with a White Manetrue- Minister's Wife The Jester and the Queentrue