Boris Chirkov
Boris Chirkov
Top Movie Cast
Collection of Films for the Armed #3true Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- Владимир Николаевич Яковлев («старик») A Wonder Milltrue- Old man (voice, uncredited) An Extraordinary Assignmenttrue- Police spy Miraculous Welltrue- tekst ot avtora The Great Glinkatrue- Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka True Friendstrue- Chishov My Dear Fellowtrue- Zhilin Great Citizentrue- Maksim, the investigator The Youth of Maximtrue- Maksim The Return of Maximtrue- Maksim The Vyborg Sidetrue- Maksim There Were Three Bachelorstrue The Alive and the Deadtrue- Biryukov The Girlfriendstrue- Senka Cain the XVIII-thtrue- Lavatory Worker Aleksandr Parkhomenkotrue- Makhno Minin and Pozharskytrue- Roman Kiev Residenttrue- Яков Петрович Середа Alonetrue- Man Talking on the Phone Heirstrue- Яков Петрович Середа Боевой киносборник №1true- Максим (ведущий сборника) Moon on the Lefttrue- Orskiy Golden Mountainstrue- Worker Song of Happinesstrue- Head of the political education department The Miners of Donetsktrue- Stepan Nedolya We Await Your Victorious Returntrue- The Blacksmith Peasantstrue- Guy with accordion/Red Army Soldier Next to ustrue- Stepan Demyanovich Stoletov With your own handstrue- Rudenko Своя голова на плечахtrue- Chairman of the collective farm Ivan Nikulin: Russian Sailortrue- Zakhar Fomichyov The Lost Photographytrue- General Safronov The Frog Princesstrue- Tsar (voice) We Are Taking All The Firetrue- Gabriel Tikhonovich Zinakov Dream of a Cossacktrue- Kondratyev For the Power of the Sovietstrue- Gavrila Chernoivanenko A Trip Without a Loadtrue- granddad at the airfield Musicians of the Same Regimenttrue Guerrillas in the steppes of Ukrainetrue Our Friend Maximtrue- himself The Defense of Volotchayevsktrue- хитрый старик Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балдеtrue The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfishtrue- старик Little Filiptrue- текст читает The Man with the Guntrue- Evtushenko Bonivur's Hearttrue- Storozhenkov По собственному желаниюtrue Фронтtrue- начальник разведки фронта Удивительный People of Dimitrovgradtrue- Sobolev The New Teachertrue- Stepan Ivanovich Lautin Tri vstrechitrue- Nikanor Samoseev First Visitortrue- dyadya Fedya Spring Taletrue- Narrator / Gumennik / Marabu (voice) Profile Images
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