Isabel Richer
Isabel Richer
Top Movie Cast
Without Hertrue- Anne-Marie Battle of the Bravetrue- France Carignan My Mother's Mentrue- Simone The Countess of Baton Rougetrue- Fictionalized Paula Paul In the Eye of the Cattrue- Gégé (Gertrude) Pig's Lawtrue- Stéphane Brousseau The 3 L'il Pigs 2true- Geneviève The Child Prodigytrue- Colette Ostiguy Mon ami Walidtrue- Dr. Nadeau In the Land of the Moosetrue- Narrator (voice) The Haventrue- Estelle Artaud L’incomparable Mademoiselle C.true- Marlène Loiseau Auditiontrue- Femme au bouquet de fleurs Ésimésactrue- La sorcière The 3 L'il Pigstrue- Geneviève Beauty, Investigation of a Beholdertrue- Julie Clearing Skiestrue- Agnès Profile Images
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