Hilda Fenemore
Hilda Fenemore
Top Movie Cast
The Stone Tapetrue- Bar Helper Killing Timetrue- Mrs Thackeray The Wind of Changetrue- Gladys The Haunting of Cassie Palmertrue- Mrs. Pettifeather Absolutiontrue- Mrs. Hoskins Saturday Islandtrue- Ollie Room in the Housetrue- Mrs. Peters Souls in Conflicttrue- Ruth Stock Johnny, You're Wantedtrue- Joke Shop Customer The Studtrue- Tony's Mother The Boystrue- Mrs. Thompson Innocent Sinnerstrue- Cassie The Witches and the Grinnygogtrue- Mrs. Featherly Broketrue- Sylvia Bannister The Strange World of Planet Xtrue- Mrs. Hale Carry On Constabletrue- Agitated Woman Carry On Nursetrue- Mrs Bray Adventure in the Hopfieldstrue- Mrs. Quin Treasure at the Milltrue- Mrs. Adams The Tommy Steele Storytrue- Mrs. Steele Supersonic Saucertrue- Mother Nineteen Eighty-Fourtrue- Mrs. Parsons Chance of a Lifetimetrue- Worker The End of the Roadtrue- Madge This Is My Streettrue- Doris The Large Ropetrue- Pub Landlady Turn the Key Softlytrue- Granny's Daughter (uncredited) The Secret Placetrue- Mrs. Haywood's Neighbour (uncredited) Children of the Suntrue- June The Offencetrue- Woman on Common Bouncer Breaks Up!true- Mother Skid Kidstrue- Mrs. Clarke