Fred Kohler Jr.
Fred Kohler Jr.
Top Movie Cast
Hollywood Thrill-Makerstrue- Film Crew The Hoosier Schoolmastertrue- Bud Larkin The Baron of Arizonatrue- Demmings The Bonnie Parker Storytrue- Dave Hiller (uncredited) Pigskin Paradetrue- Biff Bentley The Prisoner of Shark Islandtrue- Sergeant Cooper Tough Assignmenttrue- Grant--Head Rancher Spoilers of the Plainstrue- Brooks Two-Fisted Gentlemantrue- Conklin Terror in a Texas Towntrue- Weed Lucky Jordantrue- Second Killer The Pecos Kidtrue- Donald Pecos aka The Pecos Kid Toll of the Deserttrue- Bill Collins, aka Bill Carson Journey to Freedomtrue- Detective The Champ's a Chumptrue- Russ A Holy Terrortrue- Party Guest (uncredited) Paris in Springtrue- Collegian Grand Old Girltrue- Bill Belden Strike Me Pinktrue- Student Bully (uncredited) Young Mr. Lincolntrue- Scrub White (uncredited) Social Errortrue- Jackson, college tough-guy Why Girls Leave Hometrue- Ted Leslie Sins of Mantrue- Town Bully Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'true- Emory Tuttle Lawless Valleytrue- Jeff Marsh Jungle Menacetrue- John Charles Texas Stampedetrue- Wayne Cameron Western Mailtrue- Lucky Webster The Red Badge of Couragetrue- Veteran (uncredited) Half a Sinnertrue- Garage Owner The Knockouttrue- Freshman Champ (uncredited) Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.true- House Heavy Sweetietrue- Student Football Player Twilight in the Sierrastrue- Mason The Gallant Legiontrue- Brent Afraid to Talktrue- Max - Elevator Operator Calling Wild Bill Elliotttrue- John Culver (as Fred Kohler) Boss of Hangtown Mesatrue- Henchman Clem Raiders of the Rangetrue- Henchman Plummer Six Gun Decisiontrue- Jordan Loaded Pistolstrue- Bill Otis (as Fred Kohler) Lone Star Rangertrue- Red Two Lost Worldstrue- Nat Mercer Two Gun Sherifftrue- Leader of Stage Holdup Steamboat Round the Bendtrue- Ben Range Justicetrue- Henchman Stoner Nevada Citytrue- Jim Trevor aka Black Bart Born to the Saddletrue- Jeff Sanger Colt Comradestrue- Vigilante The Kansantrue- 1st Gate Guard The Ten Commandmentstrue- Foreman Daniel Boone, Trail Blazertrue- Kenton Roaring Timbertrue- Curley Alias Jesse Jamestrue- James Gang Member Renegadestrue- Young Legionnaire (uncredited) Dishonored Ladytrue- First Motorcycle Cop 70,000 Witnessestrue- Football Player (uncredited) Spaceship to the Unknowntrue- Robot / Ming soldier (archive footage) (uncredited) Frenchman's Creektrue- Pirate The Holy Terrortrue- Carson Movie Crazytrue- Young Actor in Waiting Room (Uncredited) The Steel Fisttrue- Soldier