Marcelle Arnold
Marcelle Arnold
Top Movie Cast
This Pretty Worldtrue- Marjorie Cleanwater, novelist A Monkey in Wintertrue- l'infirmière de la pension Poisontrue- Germaine Chevillard Sins of Youthtrue- La pâtissière Madame Rapine No Pity for Womentrue- (uncredited) Marie-Antoinette Queen of Francetrue- Mme. Adélaïde Poisontrue- Germaine (uncredited) Without Leaving an Addresstrue- Marguerite Forestier, la femme du dentiste Trois vieilles filles en folietrue- Joséphine The Night Is My Kingdomtrue- Germaine Latour Mr. Peek-a-Bootrue- Germaine Matrimonial Agencytrue- (uncredited) The Forest of Farewelltrue- Hélène Queyrian Farewell, Paristrue- Virginie Miracles Only Happen Oncetrue- The owner of the bar Piédalu fait des miraclestrue Piédalu à Paristrue- Baker The Drunkardtrue- Madame Fournier (uncredited) Dedeetrue- Magda, une entraîneuse People of No Importancetrue- la concierge des Viard La Gourmandisetrue- Valentin's wife The Seven Deadly Sinstrue- L'Épouse de Valentin (segment "La gourmandise") The Marriage of Figarotrue- Marceline Three Womentrue- The Englishwoman Keep an Eye on Ameliatrue- The Lady in Purple Children of Lovetrue- Woman wanting to adopt a child Lovers on a Tightropetrue Croquemitoufletrue- (uncredited) Her Bridal Nighttrue- Mrs. Victoire My Brother from Senegaltrue- Mlle Angele Faites donc plaisir aux amistrue- Mme Barjon All Roads Lead to Rometrue- Hermine The Lovers of Tomorrowtrue- une cliente des Géraniums The Things of Lifetrue- Hélène's Mother Secrets of a French Nursetrue- Madame Debrais Juliette, or Key of Dreamstrue- La femme acariâtre