Drew Snyder
Drew Snyder
Top Movie Cast
Firestartertrue- Orville Jamieson Space Raiderstrue- Aldebarian Rag and Bonetrue- Councilman Roykin Death Wish IItrue- Deputy Comm. Hawkins Universal Soldiertrue- Charles Stroker - Ein Mann wie ein Stromstosstrue- FBI Agent Willis Night Schooltrue- Vincent Millett Badge of the Assassintrue- Inspector McCoy A Fight for Jennytrue- Ben Wilkes Blindfold: Acts of Obsessiontrue- Alex Saunders Separate Livestrue- Robert Porter The Avenging Angeltrue- Will Heaton Breach of Conducttrue- Sheriff Young, Stalked and Pregnanttrue- Burt Cruel Intentionstrue- Headmaster Hargrove Dance with Deathtrue- Hopper Parker Kanetrue- Lt. Dunbar Fisk The Gift of Lifetrue- Ronnie An Empire of Reasontrue- Demonstrator What Are Friends For?true- Pharmacies Purple Heartstrue- Lt. Col. Larimore Going Hometrue- Mr. Carlson Project Eliminatortrue- FBI Agent Willis The Falcon and the Snowmantrue- FBI Interrogator Infernotrue- Mayor Devlin Ground Controltrue- David, Flight 47 Pilot The Christmas Cabintrue- Mr. Gatly Born Yesterdaytrue- Senator Dorn The Secret of My Successtrue- Burt Foster The Glass Housetrue- Mr. Morgan The Women's Roomtrue- Carl The Operatortrue- Richard Blackburn