Stuart Pankin
Stuart Pankin
Top Movie Cast
The Silence of the Hamstrue- Insp. Pete Putrid Babylon 5: The River of Soulstrue- James Riley The Hollywood Knightstrue- Dudley Laywicker Arachnophobiatrue- Sheriff Parsons Miss Cast Away and the Island Girlstrue- Noah Next Stop, Greenwich Villagetrue- Party Guest (uncredited) Stripteasetrue- Alan Mordecai Mannequin Two: On the Movetrue- Mr. James Zenon: Z3true- Cmd. Edward Plank Zenon: Girl of the 21st Centurytrue- Cmd. Edward Plank Zenon: The Zequeltrue- Cmd. Edward Plank Second Sighttrue- Preston Pickett Ph.D. Scavenger Hunttrue- Duane Misadventures in 3Dtrue- Professor, Max Irreconcilable Differencestrue- Ronnie Hopelessly in Junetrue- Francaise Flowers Uncle Gus in: For the Love of Monkeystrue- Uncle Gus The Vagranttrue- Mr. Feemster Squanto: A Warrior's Taletrue- Brother Timothy Chasing Destinytrue- Mike Ditlow An Accidental Christmastrue- Saul The Dirt Bike Kidtrue- Mr. Hodgkins The Brady Girls Get Marriedtrue- Frank All I Want for Christmastrue- Lewis Our Almost Completely True Storytrue- Buster Betrayal of the Dovetrue- Gabe A Different Affairtrue- Robert Down, Out and Dangeroustrue- Calvin Burrows Like Father, Like Santatrue- Snipes Honey, We Shrunk Ourselvestrue- Gordon Szalinski The Artisttrue- Director #1 (Restaurant) Fatal Attractiontrue- Jimmy The Settlementtrue- Insurance Agent The Show Formerly Known as the Martin Short Showtrue Life Stinkstrue- Pritchard That's Adequatetrue- Sigmund Freud The Bindingtrue- Dr. Plank Father and Scouttrue- Aaron Deutsch Encounter in the Third Dimensiontrue- The Professor / M.A.X. (voice) An Eye for an Eyetrue- Nicky LaBelle Splattertrue- Dr. Bellows That Darn Cattrue- Smoker in Fur Coat Valentine Magic on Love Islandtrue- Harvey American Christmastrue- Jim The San Pedro Bumstrue- Stuf Now You Knowtrue- Mr. Victim Napoleontrue- Perenti Lizard / Father Penguin Free to Be… You and Metrue- Man in the Maternity Ward I Might Be Famoustrue- Pat Wonders A Christmas Wedding Datetrue- Santa Sam