Abdulrahman Thaher

Abdulrahman Thaher

Personal Info

  • Name: Abdulrahman Thaher
  • Birthday:


  • Place of Birth: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Gender:


  • Website:https://thahers.com/en
  • Know For:


  • Popularity: 0.0461
  • Also Known As

    Abdul Rahman Daher

    Abdurrahman Zahir

    عبد الرحمن الظاهر

    عبد الرحمن ضاهر

Abdulrahman Thaher


Abdulrahman Asad Thaher is a Palestinian-Jordanian architect , director , producer , actor , satirist, and journalist, he was born in 1982 in Abu Dhabi , UAE, and studied architecture at An-Najah National University in Palestine.

After graduating from university, he pursued contemporary acting and directing. He wrote, directed , and produced many satirical and critical TV series, in which he played a major role, such as the series Fenjan Albalad, Sukaj, and "In the Presence of Justice, " in addition to producing numerous TV programs that embraced a contemporary cultural and intellectual character. He faced multiple prosecutions and arrests due to his critical political works.

Top Movie Cast

Paradise Now
Paradise Nowtrue- Mechanic



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