Shawn Lawrence
Shawn Lawrence
Top Movie Cast
Brian's Songtrue- Doctor O'Conner Escape Clausetrue- Charles Ives Christmas in Bostontrue- Mr. Dugan Out of Reachtrue- Agent Shephard With Truelove Showerstrue- George The Great Polar Bear Adventuretrue- Krakush (voice) The Tapetrue- Pawn Shop Owner Silent Witnesstrue- John Taylor Gleasontrue- William S. Paley Crime Spreetrue- Agent Pogue Against the Ropestrue- Philadelphia Fight Official Who Killed Atlanta's Children?true- Motel Clerk Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelottrue- Alex Carter Conduct Unbecomingtrue- Veteran Nature of the Beasttrue- Sheriff Wachowski Medium Rawtrue- Oliver Walthrop Small Crimestrue- Manny Vassey To Catch a Killertrue- Mr. Gant At the Midnight Hourtrue- Cabbie Before You Say 'I Do'true- Justice of the Peace Exit Woundstrue- O'Malley Her Husband's Betrayaltrue- John Morgan Between Strangerstrue- Marty Sword of Gideontrue- Bank Manager Clarencetrue- Clarence's Cabbie Cagney & Lacey: True Convictionstrue- Andrew Street Smarttrue- Bartender The Good Shepherdtrue- Bishop Sorano Triggermentrue- Roger Deschamps Shades of Black: The Conrad Black Storytrue- Dixon Chant Beyond the Calltrue- Bartender Profile Images
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