Emma Campbell
Emma Campbell
Top Movie Cast
Out of Controltrue- Sheryl Anne The Woodstrue- Alice Fasulo The Hound of the Baskervillestrue- Beryl An Officer and a Murderertrue- Jodie Lavin Scent of Dangertrue- Carol Blue The House Next Doortrue- Suzannah Greene The Surrogacy Traptrue- Detective Riordan Christmas in Rockwelltrue- Camille The Dark Strangertrue- Ellen Garrison The Aviatortrue- Jack Frye's Wife, Helen Little Mentrue- Meg Brooke A Bear Named Winnietrue- Mrs. McGuiness Flinttrue- Radio Interviewer Tales from the Neverending Story: The Beginningtrue- April Tales from the Neverending Story: The Gifttrue- April Tales from the Neverending Story: Badge of Couragetrue- April Tales from the Neverending Story: Resurrectiontrue- April FearDotComtrue- Goth-Chick Nightwavestrue- Brenda Birkwell Seasoned With Lovetrue- Sonja Goldberg Varian's Wartrue- Clifton's Girl