Philippe Hersent
Philippe Hersent
Top Movie Cast
Attack of the Normanstrue- James Silver Saddletrue- Sheriff La treizième enquête de Greytrue- Bernard Dartmore The White Angeltrue- Mario La Torre The Giant of Marathontrue- Callimaco Le Secret de l'émeraudetrue- Walter Un meurtre a été commistrue- Claude Lorrain Fort Dolorèstrue- Marco Lopez La Troisième Dalletrue- Gérard Nous avons tous fait la même chosetrue La Danseuse de Marrakechtrue L'Homme aux mains d'argiletrue- Marken Mammytrue- Acolyte of Maurice Le clochard milliardairetrue- Neighborhood commissioner From the Orient with Furytrue- Heston Four Pistols for Trinitytrue- Marshal Thomas Giants of Rometrue- Drusus Ritrovarsi all'albatrue- Ing. Montini 79 A.D.true- Titus Flavius Poison Ivytrue- Le commissaire The Delinquentstrue- Lane The House of Intriguetrue- Landers Marie of the Islestrue- Baillard The Murder Clinictrue- Marc de Brantome The Rivaltrue- Colonnello Dondi Scipio the Africantrue- console Marcello The Sword and the Crosstrue- Ponzio Pilato Mission Bloody Marytrue- Heston - CIA Chief Beauty and the Beasttrue- Prince (segment Zooerastia) The Violent Patriottrue- Fra' Salvatore Messalina Against the Son of Herculestrue- Claudio Children of Lovetrue- Inspector Gaultier Hero of Rometrue- Publicola La trovatella di Pompeitrue- Mariano Goliath and the Dragontrue- Androclo My Crimes After Mein Kampftrue Hell in Normandytrue- Prof. Aubernet The Old Testamenttrue- Namele They Paid with Bullets: Chicago 1929true- Big John The Beasttrue- proprietario Autotrasporti Cisa The Dragon's Bloodtrue- Danwarth Les Bleus de la marinetrue- L'aspirant Thunder of Battletrue- Consul Cominius A Second Springtrue- Giuseppe La colonna infametrue- Guglielmo Migliavacca The Great Kidnappingtrue- Riccardi Special Mission Lady Chaplintrue- Heston So Sweet, So Deadtrue- The Questor C'è una spia nel mio lettotrue- Samos Cifrato specialetrue- Richard The Mighty Crusaderstrue- Goffredo di Buglione La dernière chevauchéetrue Cry of Deathtrue- Deputy Norton 'Mezzobraccio' Carradine Guns of the Black Witchtrue- Jean's Stepfather Alert Nightstrue- Stefan Hess Conversation Piecetrue- Doorman A Matter of Timetrue- Cook Three Swords for Rometrue- Atenofane Top Movie Crew
Grossesses NerveusestrueDirecting