Davis Roberts
Davis Roberts
Top Movie Cast
From Noon Till Threetrue- Sam God's Little Acretrue- Farm Hand with Hoe The Long Nighttrue- Freddie Female Jungletrue- George The Ambush Murderstrue- Moran The Killerstrue- Maître D' A Case of Rapetrue- Officer Kane Knock on Any Doortrue- Jim 'Sunshine' Jackson (uncredited) Halls of Angertrue- Mr. Willis The First 36 Hours of Dr. Duranttrue- Dr. Dorsett The Lion Hunterstrue- Prince Lohu Murder by Contracttrue- Hall of Records Clerk In a Lonely Placetrue- Flower Shop Employee (uncredited) Gidget Grows Uptrue- Bukumbu Representative Master Ninja IItrue- Harold Phone Call from a Strangertrue The Billion Dollar Threattrue- Doorman The Chasetrue- Roy (uncredited) Chattanooga Choo Chootrue- Woodrow The Red Ball Expresstrue- McCord Westworldtrue- Supervisor No Way Outtrue- Heckler at Riot Meeting (uncredited) Honky Tonk Freewaytrue- James Get Christie Love!true- Myron Jones The Glenn Miller Storytrue- Black Man (uncredited) To Sleep with Angertrue- Okra Tate Hoteltrue- Dr. Elmo Adams The Challengetrue- Scientist All the Fine Young Cannibalstrue- Darl (uncredited) Profile Images
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