Willy Trenk-Trebitsch
Willy Trenk-Trebitsch
Top Movie Cast
Holidays in Tyroltrue- Franz Hitchhike to Happinesstrue- Ladislaus Prenska Lumpazivagabundustrue- Lumpazivagabundus I'll Be Yourstrue- Captain The Corpse Came C.O.D.true- Fields The Strange Death of Adolf Hitlertrue- Co. Von Zechwitz Rasputin, Demon of the Womentrue- Ossipowitsch Panic in Chicagotrue- Kriminalbeamter Charles You have to forgive a woman everythingtrue- Fritz Meyer The Exiletrue- Jacques, Footman White Tie and Tailstrue- Emil They Were So Youngtrue- Senor Bulanos