Nikos Kalogeropoulos
Nikos Kalogeropoulos
Top Movie Cast
In Good Companytrue- Pelopidas Loafing and Camouflagetrue- Pvt Ioannis Papadopoulos Arpa Collatrue- Kostas Antonakos Educate Yourself My Sontrue- Sokratis Female Companytrue- Lampros Lamprou In Exchange for Five Apartments and One Shop!true- Self The Horsemen of Pylostrue- Telemachos Kotronis A Leftist Night's Dreamtrue Thanasi tightened your belt even moretrue- reporter Έρημος και μόνος για να μου φύγει ο πόνοςtrue Top Movie Crew
The Horsemen of PylostrueWriting
The Horsemen of PylostrueDirecting
Second BesttrueProduction
A Leftist Night's DreamtrueDirecting
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