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Top Movie Cast
Incorrigibletrue- Harry Helander En drömmares vandringtrue- Publisher Landstormens lilla argbiggatrue- Lieutenant Brita i grosshandlarhusettrue- Captain The Royal Rabbletrue- Dr Wadner Dreamstrue- Mr Barse, jeweller En svensk tigertrue- Engdahl Crime and Punishmenttrue- Police officer New Order at Sjogardatrue- Doctor How to Lovetrue- Berglund The Girl and the Deviltrue- Writer Each to His Own Waytrue- gynekologen Kristin Commandstrue- Associate professor Private Entrancetrue- Professor Anderberg Han glömde henne aldrigtrue- pastor Andersson Sista ringentrue- PE teacher Hugo and Josephinetrue- Josefin's father (voice only) You Who Are About to Entertrue- Chairman of the Mental Illness Board Flickor i hamntrue- First Mate The Minister of Uddarbotrue Everybody at His Stationtrue- Captain Santesson Eviga länkartrue- Blomkvist, Teacher Vår herre luggar Johanssontrue Janne Vängman och den stora kometentrue Blood and Firetrue- Doctor (uncredited) While the Door Was Lockedtrue- Kastgren His Excellencytrue- Dr. Amann Three Sonstrue- Airbase Commander På farliga vägartrue- Crime Inspector Harald Handfastetrue- Pater Laurentius