Austin Trevor
Austin Trevor
Top Movie Cast
Lord Edgware Diestrue- Hercule Poirot Black Coffeetrue- Hercule Poirot Alibitrue- Hercule Poirot Father Browntrue- The Herald Night Train to Munichtrue- Capt. Prada As You Like Ittrue- Le Beau Champagne Charlietrue- The Duke The Court Martial of Major Kellertrue- Lt. Gen. Sir Harold Power Death at Broadcasting Housetrue- Leopold Dryden The Man from Chicagotrue- Detective-Inspector Drew Dangerous Exiletrue- Mr. Petitval Royal Cavalcadetrue- Capt. Oates Dusty Erminetrue- Swiss Hotelier-Gang Leader The Broken Melodytrue- Pierre Falaise Goodbye, Mr. Chipstrue- Ralston The Day the Earth Caught Firetrue- Sir John Kelly (uncredited) Horrors of the Black Museumtrue- Commissioner Wayne The Silent Passengertrue- Inspector Parker To Paris with Lovetrue- Leon de Colville The Beloved Vagabondtrue- Count de Verneuil Knight Without Armourtrue- Col. Adraxine Under Your Hattrue- Boris Vladimir Abandon Shiptrue- Edward Wilton The W Plantrue- Captain of Military Police The Big Blockadetrue- U-boat Captain The Red Shoestrue- Prof. Palmer Tons of Troubletrue- Sir Hervey Shaw A Night in Montmartretrue- Paul deLisle The Seventh Survivortrue- Captain Hartzmann The Briggs Familytrue- John Smith At the Villa Rosetrue- Inspector Hanaud Inside the Roomtrue- Pierre Santos Le Vagabond bien-aimétrue- Count de Verneuil Dark Journeytrue- Dr. Muller So Long at the Fairtrue- Police Commissaire Lisbon Storytrue- Major Lutzen The Lion Has Wingstrue- Schulemberg - German Air Chief of Staff The New Lottrue- Soldier Talking to Corporal On Secret Servicetrue- Captain Larco The Alphabet Murderstrue- Judson Sabotagetrue- Monocle Man (uncredited) The Naked Truthtrue- Minister with Heart Attack (uncredited) Never Back Loserstrue- Col. Warburton Rembrandttrue- Marquis de Grand Coeur Surprise Packagetrue- Count Krimbi, Aide to King Pavel II Carlton-Browne of the F.O.true- Secretary General Anna Kareninatrue- Col. Vronsky The Young Mr. Pitttrue- French Registrar Law and Disordertrue- Heinreks Parisian Lifetrue- Don Joâo