Boris Novikov
Boris Novikov
Top Movie Cast
Nice to Live Not Forbidtrue- отец Бодрова Nevermind The Grieftrue- Sluga (voice) (uncredite) На Муромской дорожке...true The Adventures of Prince Floriseltrue- Генерал Венделер Seven Old Men and One Girltrue- Степан Петрович Бубнов («старик», сантехник) Only the Statues Are Silenttrue White Dewtrue- дед Тимофей A French Lessontrue- дед Илья Behind Show Windowstrue- hooligan Well, Just You Wait! 13true- Dog referee Sovershenno seryoznotrue- заведующий отделом (новелла «История с пирожками») My Friend, Kolka!true- Kuzma After the Fairtrue- Stepan A Girl with Guitartrue- Tsyplakov Funny People!true- чиновник Return of the "Battleship"true A Secret Walk in the Woodstrue- дед Игнат The Trust That Has Bursttrue- Artillerist The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvintrue- Militsioner Prince Udacha Andreyevichtrue- дедушка Vacations in Prostokvashinotrue- Pechkin the Postman (voice) Winter in Prostokvashinotrue- Pechkin the Postman (voice) Three from Prostokvashinotrue- Pechkin the Postman (voice) Laughter and Grief by the White Seatrue- Peasant (voice) Это сильнее меняtrue- pozhiloy pizhon - restorane Преступление: Нетерпимостьtrue- Кузьма Афанасьевич Преступление: Обманtrue- Кузьма Афанасьевич Navy Officertrue- Соловцев Live in Joytrue- дед Афоня «Самосвал» Secret of the Blackbirdstrue- mr. Crump - butler How the Old Man Went for the Raintrue A Gullible Dragontrue- dog Adventures of Vasia Kurolesovtrue- Kurochkin (voice) Youth Islandtrue- Grandpa Stepan The Blue Arrowtrue- Lieutenant Dudnik In a Quiet Marinatrue- Bazyukov Still Love, Still Hopetrue- Pavel Petrovich The House and the Hosttrue Зачем человеку крыльяtrue Nylon 100%true- муляжист Шилобреев Whistle Stoptrue- collective farm foreman Quiet Flows the Dontrue- Mitka The Murder at Zhdanovskayatrue- Mitrich Schedule for the Day After Tomorrowtrue Autumn Dreamstrue- Mikita - "Gastritis" The Utinoozyorsk Accidenttrue Let's Wait with the Anniversarytrue- Григорий Константинович The Ivanov Familytrue- Vasiliy Me and Jacktrue- милиционер The Tale of the Golden Roostertrue- Warrior (voice) The Tale of Tsar Saltantrue- Knyaz Gvidon (voice) The Imp With A Bushy Tailtrue- худой пёс Gingerbreadtrue- The Adder (voice) Road to the Seatrue- moscow taxi driver Кровь за кровьtrue- Safin - makler Who Should Live in Russiatrue Everybody Knows Kadkintrue- godfather Crazy Day of Engineer Barkasovtrue- истопник The Cossackstrue- Nazarka The First Datetrue- circus artist Russkiy Suvenirtrue- Safonov История с пирожкамиtrue- заведующий отделом The Magic Ringtrue- Peasant (voice) Meeting at the Crossingtrue- Uvarov Lyubov Yarovayatrue- Konstantin Groznoy Наездники (киноальманах)true The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Trickstrue- The Courtier (voice) Porridge Made from an Axetrue- Old man (voice) How Old Man Became a Brood-Hentrue- Old man (voice) Миссис Уксус и мистер Уксусtrue- The Bagpiper (voice) Winter Quarters of Animalstrue- The ram (voice) Uncle Misha Beartrue- The cat (voice) Karpushatrue- Old man (voice) The Mouse and the Red Suntrue- Hedgehog (voice) Password "Hotel Regina"true A Communal Storytrue- (voice)