Henry Oscar
Henry Oscar
Top Movie Cast
Murder Ahoytrue- Lord Rudkin Idol of Paristrue- Lachman Fire Over Englandtrue- Spanish Ambassador The Brides of Draculatrue- Otto Lang The Long Shipstrue- Auctioneer Seven Sinnerstrue- Axel Hoyt The Saint in Londontrue- Bruno Lang Hatter's Castletrue- Grierson The Upturned Glasstrue- Coroner The Misertrue- Harpagon - Father of Cleante and Elise The Greed of William Harttrue- Mr. Moore The Little Huttrue- Mr. Trollope The Terrortrue- Joe Conner Prelude to Fametrue- Mario Bondini House of Darknesstrue- Bob Bonnie Prince Charlietrue- King James II The Spaniard's Cursetrue- Mr. Fredericks Black Limelighttrue- Inspector Tanner Me and Marlboroughtrue- Goultier Foxhole in Cairotrue- Col. Zeltinger Dishonour Brighttrue- Blenkinsop Love, Life and Laughtertrue On the Night of the Firetrue- Andrew Pilleger The Four Featherstrue- Dr. Harraz Squadron Leader Xtrue- Dr. Schultz Return of the Scarlet Pimperneltrue- Maximilien Robespierre The Man Behind the Masktrue- Interpol Detective Luck of the Navytrue- Cmdr. Perrin The Flying Squadtrue- Sir Edward - Police Commissioner Lawrence of Arabiatrue- Silliam (uncredited) War-Gods of the Deeptrue- Mumford The Bad Lord Byrontrue- Count Gamba Penn of Pennsylvaniatrue- Samuel Pepys Diplomatic Passporttrue- The Chief Sensationtrue- Superintendant Stainer No Exittrue- Cyril Anstey Spies of the Airtrue- Porter Beau Brummelltrue- Dr. Willis Atlantic Ferrytrue- Josiah Eagles Dead Man's Shoestrue- President of the Court Portrait of Alisontrue- John Smith The Man Who Knew Too Muchtrue- Dentist George Barbor (uncredited) The Secret Mantrue- John Manning Oscar Wildetrue- Justice Wills Dark Journeytrue- Swedish Magistrate The Day Will Dawntrue- Newspaper Editor The Black Rosetrue- Friar Roger Bacon Private's Progresstrue- Art Expert Love in Exiletrue- Dictator It's a Great Daytrue- Borough Surveyor Web of Evidencetrue- Alderman Sharpe Mrs. Fitzherberttrue- William Pitt