Grete Berger
Grete Berger
Top Movie Cast
The Student of Praguetrue- Countess Margit von Schwarzenberg Phantomtrue- Pfandleiherin Schwabe / Pawnbroker Schwabe Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler: Part 1 – The Great Gamblertrue- Fine Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler: Part 2 – Infernotrue- Fine The Green Manuelatrue- Frau Gazul Metropolistrue- Working Woman (uncredited) The Stone Ridertrue- Mutter der Hirtin The Ancient Lawtrue- Mother Die Intriguen der Madame de la Pommerayetrue Die Nibelungen: Siegfriedtrue- The Hun's woman Dr. Mabuse, the Gamblertrue- Fine, a servant