Margrit Winter
Margrit Winter
Top Movie Cast
It Happened in Broad Daylighttrue- Frau Moser Café Odeontrue- Leni Feller Geld und Geisttrue- Änneli The Cheese Factory in the Hamlettrue- Bethi Dällebach Karitrue- Frau Geiser Marie-Louisetrue- Anna Rüegg Romeo and Julia in the Villagetrue- Vreneli Marti Anne Bäbi Jowäger I. Part - How Jakobli comes to a womantrue- Anne Bäbi Jowäger Anne Bäbi Jowager, Part 2 - Jakobli and Meyelitrue- Anne Bäbi Jowäger The Zürrer Bakerytrue- Trudi Zürrer