Jose Rosete
Jose Rosete
Top Movie Cast
Assassin's Gametrue- SUV Passenger 1 Sportkilltrue- Assassin / Detective Rhames Waiting to Exhaletrue- New Year's Eve Partier (uncredited) Showdown at the Grandtrue Illegal Businesstrue- Tony When Aliens Attacktrue- Survivor Dope Game 2true- Tony Costa I Almost Married a Serial Killertrue- Marshall Folds Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurustrue- Background Actor Flesh, TXtrue- Woody Barley Age of Dinosaurstrue- Doug Dark Placestrue- Detective Frank Fable: Teeth of Beaststrue- Vulcan Hood of the Living Deadtrue- Romero San Franpsychotrue- The Killer Sabor tropicaltrue- Manos Christmas on Repeattrue- Cop unDEFILEDtrue- Trafficker Blood Guardiantrue- Bartender Blood Moon Risingtrue- Sanchez Sensitive and in Lovetrue- Robbie Doomsday Devicetrue- Director Pena Ripped Memoriestrue- Richard Asteroid vs Earthtrue- Gunnery Sergeant Luiz Zuniga I Got Five on It Tootrue- Oscar Running on Empty Dreamstrue- Corey Harris Escape from Ensenadatrue- Morales Haunted Airplanetrue- Diggs 6 Models in Helltrue- Mark The Lonely Onestrue- Blake Torres Turbulencetrue- Agent Franklin Broken Promisetrue- Deputy Hughes Carnal Wishestrue- Dectective The Wrong Housetrue- Bud the Exterminator [Cargo]true- Merc / Guard / Cop (voice) 666: The Demon Childtrue- Steve Room for Renttrue- Dr. Singh The Way We Weren'ttrue- Party Dad Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands: War Within The Carteltrue Lowlifetrue- Agent Fowler 6 Ways to Dietrue- Marcus Who Stole My Daughter?true- Roger Chase Human Zootrue- Contestant 1018 The Five Rules Of Successtrue- X's Father Battlefield 2025true- Matt Sick Boys Die Alonetrue- Derrick Monsters of Mantrue- Boller Intersecttrue- Abner Rosen I Got Five on it 3true- Oscar Slaughter Creektrue- Detective Garcia Deliverance from Eviltrue- Mike Sanchez Somethingtrue- Television host (voice) Tales of a Fifth Grade Robin Hoodtrue- Mitchell Snake Arranged Marriagetrue- Detective Olsen Easy Rider: The Ride Backtrue- Bodyguard Josh Taylor's Prom Datetrue- Coach Thompson Interview with the Antichristtrue- Javier Rodriquez Top Movie Crew
Blood GuardiantrueWriting