Ugo Sasso
Ugo Sasso
Top Movie Cast
Hercules Against the Barbarianstrue The Pirate and the Slave Girltrue Buffalo Bill, Hero of the Far Westtrue- Snack Il conte di Materatrue- il messaggero ferito Buffalo Bill in Rometrue- Red Figaro qua... Figaro làtrue- Uno dei banditi Les Misérables - Storm Over Paristrue- Enjolras, capo dei rivoluzionari The Iron Crowntrue- Artalo Mutiny at Fort Sharpetrue- Sgt. Ross Hercules and the Masked Ridertrue- Hermann In the Eddy of Sintrue- Il capitano di finanza The Lovers of Manon Lescauttrue- Un gendarme The Terror of the Steppestrue- Ciukhai Roland the Mightytrue- Agramante The Ten Gladiatorstrue- Resius The Siege of the Alcazartrue- Ufficiale nazionalista Il segreto inviolabiletrue- Lo studente universitario They Call Me Trinitytrue- Sheriff Zoppo L'ultimo combattimentotrue- Vardes Drakut the Avengertrue- Ramon Tarzan in the Golden Grottotrue Gagliardi and Babestrue- 'Campana' The Night They Killed Rasputintrue- Czar Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibaltrue- Ufficiale Luce nelle tenebretrue- Un infermiere Three Sergeants of Bengaltrue- sergente Burt Wallace La casa senza tempotrue- Blasco Joe il Rossotrue- A gangster Terror of the Red Masktrue- il capo dei ribelli Hercules, Samson & Ulyssestrue Hercules Unchainedtrue- Polinice's Officer Goliath and the Barbarianstrue The Vengeance of Ursustrue Anthony of Paduatrue- Il contadino Seven Rebel Gladiatorstrue Old Guardtrue- Uno squadrista Colorado Charlietrue- Noras Vater The Mark of Kriminaltrue- Von Beck Rita da Casciatrue- Paolo di Ferdinando The Assassination of Matteottitrue- un industriale The Queen of Shebatrue- (unconfirmed - not in screen cast) Goliath and the Sins of Babylontrue- Father of a Sacrificial Victim Hercules the Invincibletrue- King Tedaeo, Teica's Father Agent 3S3: Passport to Helltrue- Bob David and Goliathtrue- Huro I Am Semiramistrue- Omnos' Officer Shotguntrue- James McLaine Sign of Zorrotrue- Aristocrata The Mighty Crusaderstrue- Gernando di Norvegia The Slave Merchantstrue- Murad, Akrim's Associate La fornarinatrue- Marzio Taddei Revolt of the Mercenariestrue Cavalier in Devil's Castletrue- Capitano delle guardie Il prezzo della gloriatrue- Bruschi The Affairs of Messalinatrue- (uncredited) Tonight at Eleventrue- Leone The Sword and the Crosstrue Wonderful Adventures of Guerrin Meschinotrue- Nadir Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgivetrue- Johnny McKenzie Moana, Virgin of the Amazontrue Ettore Fieramoscatrue- Compagno d'armi del Fieramosca Constantine and the Crosstrue Profile Images
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