Semka Sokolović-Bertok
Semka Sokolović-Bertok
Top Movie Cast
Grbavica: The Land of My Dreamstrue- Peldina majka / Pelda's Mother Love and Other Crimestrue- Aničina baka The Fourth Mantrue- Komšinica Let's Make Love 3true- Amerova majka Nobody Will Laughtrue- Susjeda Variola Veratrue- Dr. Ćirić Handymen, Handymentrue- Direktorka škole Taiwan Canastatrue- Direktorka muzeja Official Positiontrue- Fanika In the Jaws of Lifetrue- Tetka Days and Hourstrue- Sabira Roko and Cicibelatrue- Cicibela Crime Chronicle or Woman's Daytrue- Susjeda The Red and the Blacktrue- Milka Blažina Guardian of the Frontiertrue Scent of Quincestrue- Esma Fat and Thintrue- Kupusićeva žena Heads or Tailstrue- Cicina majka Wild Angelstrue- Prodavačica cvijeća Holiday in Sarajevotrue- Tetka Stanka God Forbid a Worse Thing Should Happentrue- Ruža Born to Ridetrue- Spanish Woman Short Night of Glass Dollstrue- Nastassja - Gregory's Neighbor A Shottrue- Petrova majka Promised Landtrue- Baba Manda When Nobody Is Lookingtrue Each Time We Part Awaytrue- Gospođa Švalina Fragments: Chronicle of a Vanishingtrue- Susjeda The Seventh Cronicletrue- Marijela Anticasanovatrue- Susjeda Back of the Medaltrue- Prostitutka Anđa The Balkan Mass-Media Sciencestrue- Drugarica Draga Tractor, Love and Rock'n'rolltrue- Strina New Year's Eve Robberytrue- Selma Novak Project Alientrue- Lady in Phone Booth