Eloy Gurucharri
Eloy Gurucharri
Top Movie Cast
Keep On Dancingtrue- Himself Recuerdos de Extremaduratrue- Himself Top Movie Crew
Goya's GazetrueProduction
who is Gus Van Sant?trueDirecting
who is Gus Van Sant?trueProduction
who is Gus Van Sant?trueCrew
who is Gus Van Sant?trueSound
who is Gus Van Sant?trueEditing
John LennontrueProduction
Keep On DancingtrueProduction
Keep On DancingtrueDirecting
Keep On DancingtrueEditing
who is Gus Van Sant?trueWriting
Keep On DancingtrueWriting
There must be someone behind the SuntrueSound
There must be someone behind the SuntrueEditing
There must be someone behind the SuntrueDirecting
There must be someone behind the SuntrueWriting
Trees in Reverse (Outtakes from Medea)trueDirecting
Trees in Reverse (Outtakes from Medea)trueSound
Trees in Reverse (Outtakes from Medea)trueWriting
Trees in Reverse (Outtakes from Medea)trueEditing
Madrid, July 2020trueDirecting
Madrid, July 2020trueWriting
The Man in YellowtrueDirecting
The Man in YellowtrueWriting
The Man in YellowtrueSound
The Man in YellowtrueEditing
atariko probatrueDirecting
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueDirecting
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueWriting
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueSound
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueEditing
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueCrew
Recuerdos de ExtremaduratrueProduction
Interlude 01trueDirecting
Interlude 01.1trueDirecting
Interlude 01.1trueWriting
Interlude 01.1trueEditing
Interlude 02.0trueDirecting
Interlude 02.0trueWriting
Interlude 02.0trueEditing
Interlude 03.0trueDirecting
Interlude 03.0trueWriting
Interlude 03.0trueEditing
Interlude 04.0trueDirecting
Interlude 04.0trueWriting
Interlude 04.0trueEditing
Interlude 05.0trueDirecting
Interlude 05.0trueWriting
Interlude 05.0trueEditing
Interlude 02.1trueDirecting
Interlude 02.1trueEditing
Interlude 02.1trueWriting