Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė
Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė
Top Movie Cast
All Truth About Columbustrue Top Movie Crew
Garden of EdentrueProduction
Garden of EdentrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian NametrueEditing
Lithuanian NametrueVisual Effects
Garden of EdentrueDirecting
Lithuanian NametrueDirecting
PresidenttrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian NametrueProduction
Tomorrow at 11 AMtrueDirecting
Tomorrow at 11 AMtrueWriting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueArt
The Adventures of CipollinotrueSound
The Adventures of CipollinotrueProduction
The Light of HappinesstrueWriting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueDirecting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueArt
The Adventures of CipollinotrueVisual Effects
The Adventures of CipollinotrueEditing
The Light of HappinesstrueDirecting