Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė
Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė
Top Movie Cast
All Truth About Columbustrue Top Movie Crew
Garden of EdentrueProduction
Garden of EdentrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian NametrueEditing
Lithuanian NametrueVisual Effects
Garden of EdentrueDirecting
Lithuanian NametrueDirecting
PresidenttrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian NametrueProduction
Tomorrow at 11 AMtrueDirecting
Tomorrow at 11 AMtrueWriting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueArt
The Adventures of CipollinotrueSound
The Adventures of CipollinotrueProduction
The Light of HappinesstrueWriting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueDirecting
The Adventures of CipollinotrueArt
The Adventures of CipollinotrueVisual Effects
The Adventures of CipollinotrueEditing
The Light of HappinesstrueDirecting
Jurate and KastytistrueDirecting
Jurate and KastytistrueWriting
Jurate and KastytistrueVisual Effects
Jerusalem 2004trueDirecting
Jerusalem 2004trueEditing
Moon Moving SlowlytrueDirecting
Moon Moving SlowlytrueEditing
Moon Moving SlowlytrueSound
ApocalypsetrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian Fairy TaletrueDirecting
Lithuanian Fairy TaletrueProduction
Lithuanian Fairy TaletrueVisual Effects
Lithuanian Fairy TaletrueSound
The Manifesto IItrueDirecting
The Manifesto IItrueProduction
The Manifesto IItrueSound
The Manifesto IItrueEditing
To Be Said, To Be LivedtrueDirecting
To Be Said, To Be LivedtrueProduction
To Be Said, To Be LivedtrueCrew
To Be Said, To Be LivedtrueSound
To Be Said, To Be LivedtrueEditing
The Manifesto IIItrueDirecting
The Manifesto IIItrueProduction
The Manifesto IIItrueCrew
The Manifesto IIItrueSound
The Manifesto IIItrueEditing
The Manifesto ItrueDirecting
The Manifesto ItrueProduction
The Manifesto ItrueEditing
Time and SpacetrueDirecting
Time and SpacetrueEditing
The Magic PietrueDirecting
The Magic PietrueProduction
Professor Cosmodrome's CrickettrueDirecting
Professor Cosmodrome's CrickettrueVisual Effects
Rudenio metatrueDirecting
Rudenio metatrueProduction
Rudenio metatrueVisual Effects
Warining SignaltrueWriting
Warining SignaltrueDirecting
Romantic MosaictrueProduction
Romantic MosaictrueDirecting
Romantic MosaictrueEditing
YeartrueCostume & Make-Up
Three Grains of Miracha, the Mouse and their FriendtrueDirecting
Three Grains of Miracha, the Mouse and their FriendtrueArt
Three Grains of Miracha, the Mouse and their FriendtrueVisual Effects
Three Grains of Miracha, the Mouse and their FriendtrueProduction
Romantic BalladtrueDirecting
Romantic BalladtrueEditing
Romantic BalladtrueProduction
Up to DatetrueVisual Effects
PressmantrueVisual Effects
Voice of Mr. TempletrueDirecting
Voice of Mr. TempletrueProduction
Voice of Mr. TempletrueArt
Voice of Mr. TempletrueSound
Who Better Lie?trueWriting
Who Better Lie?trueDirecting
That Heartless RobottrueDirecting
That Heartless RobottrueWriting
That Heartless RobottrueSound
That Heartless RobottrueVisual Effects
In an Alien TimetrueDirecting
In an Alien TimetrueVisual Effects
Open SesametrueVisual Effects
Almost a Vampire and a Little GirltrueDirecting
Knights of the Golden CitytrueDirecting
Knights of the Golden CitytrueVisual Effects
BlacklisttrueVisual Effects
Mouse in the SquaretrueDirecting
Mouse in the SquaretrueVisual Effects
Mouse in the SquaretrueSound
Mouse in the SquaretrueProduction
Mouse in the SquaretrueArt
The Key of TimetrueDirecting
The Key of TimetrueEditing
The Key of TimetrueProduction
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