Carter Hellwarth
Carter Hellwarth
Top Movie Cast
Draft Dodger Massacretrue- Tall Carter (1944) Wolf Man: Resurrectedtrue- Carter, Wolfman Tim Kim's Great Escape 2true- Evil Auctioneer / Brick Head The Barn is Burningtrue- Host/Narrator Top Movie Crew
Draft Dodger MassacretrueProduction
Catch A KilltrueProduction
Wolf Man: ResurrectedtrueWriting
Wolf Man: ResurrectedtrueEditing
Wolf Man: ResurrectedtrueLighting
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueDirecting
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueLighting
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueEditing
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueProduction
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueEditing
Tim Kim's Great Escape 2trueWriting
The Barn is BurningtrueWriting
The Barn is BurningtrueDirecting
The Barn is BurningtrueEditing
The Barn is BurningtrueEditing
The Barn is BurningtrueProduction
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