Edmund Cobb
Edmund Cobb
Top Movie Cast
The Cyclone Kidtrue- Rancher Carson Shakedowntrue- Cop (uncredited) The Affairs of Jimmy Valentinetrue- Police Sergeant Stormytrue- Brakeman (uncredited) Zorro's Fighting Legiontrue- Manuel Gonzalez The Indians Are Comingtrue- Bill Williams The Call of the Hearttrue- Jerry Wilson The Hound of Silver Creektrue- Jack Brooks Wolf's Trailtrue- Captain Tom Grant Beyond the Rio Grandetrue- Dick Government Agents vs Phantom Legiontrue- Turner Smoke Tree Rangetrue- Sandy Danger Trailstrue- Hank Wilson (as Eddie Cobb) The Law of the Wildtrue- Henchman Jim Luger The Officer and the Ladytrue- Police Lieutenant (uncredited) Breed of the Westtrue- Tom Hardy - Henchman (as Edwin Cobb) The Man from Oklahomatrue- Lynn Durant The Scrappin' Kidtrue- Cliff Barrowes The Man from Sundowntrue- Henchman Roper Toughest Man in Arizonatrue The Clutch of Circumstancetrue- Eli Turner Cupid's Rustlertrue- Victim of a Crooked Card Game The Galloping Cowboytrue- Jack Perry (Bill's Cousin) Martin of the Mountedtrue Dog of Dogstrue- Jack Hale Dog Scentstrue- Tom Martin The Terrortrue- Jim Hatley The Street with No Nametrue- Desk Sergeant (Uncredited) Springtime in the Rockiestrue- Sheriff The Bounty Killertrue- Townsman The Bonnie Parker Storytrue- Bartender (uncredited) Hiss and Yelltrue- Policeman (uncredited) Confidence Girltrue- Detective Lieutenant Cobb, with pipe Comanche Territorytrue- Ed The Violent Mentrue- Anchor Rider (uncredited) Broken Lancetrue- Court Clerk (uncredited) Calamity Janetrue- Barfly (uncredited) The Phantomtrue- Grogan (uncredited) The Return of Wildfiretrue- Ranch Hand (uncredited) Johnny Renotrue- Townsman Renegade Girltrue- Sergeant James Social Briarstrue- Jim Kane Submarine Seahawktrue- Officer The Miracle Babytrue- Jim Starke Bad Men of the Bordertrue- Roy Tangled Fortunestrue- Buck Logan Young Whirlwindtrue- Jack The Return of Daniel Boonetrue- Henderson The Vanishing Shadowtrue- Kent One Man's Lawtrue- Red Mathews Bulldog Couragetrue- Cal Jepson Bashful Whirlwindtrue- Bob Evans River of No Returntrue- Barber (uncredited) The Miracle Ridertrue- Vining The Burning Trailtrue- Tommy Corliss The Adventures of Rex and Rintytrue- Jones The Two Fistertrue- Officer Field The Golden Eyetrue- Miner (uncredited) Branded Mentrue- Townsman Giving Directions The Texas Kidtrue- Scully Pirate Treasuretrue- Bert Land Beyond the Lawtrue- Mason Winners of the Westtrue- Maddox The Great Alaskan Mysterytrue- Miner Worker Preparing Ambush Wild Horse Rodeotrue- Hank Bain Deadwood Passtrue- 'Mileaway' Thomas G-Men Never Forgettrue- R.J. Cook The Scarlet Horsemantrue- Kyle The Rawhide Terrortrue- Al - Sheriff Jesse James Rides Againtrue- Wilkie The Fighting Devil Dogstrue- Henchman Ellis Black Tuesdaytrue- Bank Safe Deposit Box Guard (uncredited) The Game That Killstrue- Policeman Ride 'Em Cowboytrue- Red Harrity (uncredited) The Fugitive Sherifftrue- Wally Darkest Africatrue- Craddock The Lost Specialtrue- Spike The Navajo Trailtrue- Jack Farr California in '49true- Cal Coleman Double Indemnitytrue- Train Conductor (uncredited) Texastrue- Rancher Blaire California Mailtrue- Roy Banton Wild Horsetrue- Gil Davis Condemned Womentrue- Detective I'll Tell the Worldtrue- Detective Dick Tracy's G-Mentrue- Lt. Reynolds Daredevils of the Red Circletrue- Oil Field Foreman The Phantom Creepstrue- Army Sergeant The Lone Wolf Spy Hunttrue- Detective with Note (uncredited) Mystery Broadcasttrue- Detective (uncredited) Sunset in El Doradotrue- Prospector Detective Storytrue- Ed (uncredited) Border Cafetrue- Chuck (uncredited) Let Us Livetrue- Fingerprint Man (uncredited) The Atomic Submarinetrue- Passerby (uncredited) Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtontrue- Senator Gower (uncredited) Heroes of the Westtrue- Bart Eaton Gordon of Ghost Citytrue- Cowhand Scotty The Hunchback of Notre Dametrue- Soldier (uncredited) Tracy Ridestrue- Ned Hampton Men Without Soulstrue- Harmon (uncredited) Buffalo Bill Rides Againtrue- Henchman Morgan House of Frankensteintrue- Coachman (uncredited) You Can't Buy Lucktrue- Detective (uncredited) The Lone Wolf Strikestrue- Cop in Cellar The Cherokee Striptrue- Link Carter X Marks the Spottrue- Officer Riley (uncredited) Hellgatetrue- Frank (uncredited) The Crime of Helen Stanleytrue- Electrician (uncredited) The Last Hurrahtrue- Man (uncredited) The Wildcat of Tucsontrue- Seth Harper Western Caravanstrue- Henchman Tex San Antone Ambushtrue- Marshal Kennedy The Red Ridertrue- Johnny Snow The Adventures of Frank Merriwelltrue- Pete The Glass Keytrue- Reporter Carrying Papers (uncredited) Empty Holsterstrue- Sheriff Cal Hardin His Girl Fridaytrue- Cop (uncredited) Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'true- Stage Driver Blazing Bulletstrue- Sheriff Two-Fisted Sherifftrue- Deputy Jim Ride Him, Cowboytrue- Bob Webb (uncredited) Power of the Presstrue- Process Server (uncredited) Winchester '73true- Target Watcher (uncredited) The Gunfightertrue- Citizen (uncredited) Gun Law Justicetrue- Sheriff Rustler's Round-uptrue- Victor Todd Pony Posttrue- George Barber Sagebrush Lawtrue- Bill Lanning Trail of the Vigilantestrue- Rider Dark Commandtrue- Juror #3 Deadwood Dicktrue- Dan Steele Call of the Rockiestrue- Workman Flashing Gunstrue- Sheriff Ed Newman Friendly Persuasiontrue- Operator (uncredited) North of the Yukontrue- RCMP Cpl. Hawley Prairie Strangertrue- Dr. Westridge The Medico of Painted Springstrue- Sheriff Rough Ridin' Justicetrue- Harris (uncredited) Outlaws of the Prairietrue- Jed Stevens (as Eddie Cobb) West of the Santa Fetrue- Henchman Barlow Roaring Rangerstrue- Taggart (uncredited) Galloping Thundertrue- Henchman Barstow (uncredited) Sundown Valleytrue- Frank (uncredited) The Stranger from Texastrue- Henchman Carver Outpost of the Mountiestrue- Burke Silver City Raiderstrue- Henchman Ringo The Old Chisholm Trailtrue- Joe Rankin Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc.true- Police Guard at Chandler's Gate Melody Ranchtrue- Autry Voter Complaining to Pop The Green Archertrue- Stevens / Agent 4-X / Thug Pilot Heart of the Rio Grandetrue- Bartender (uncredited) The Daring Caballerotrue- Marshal J.B. Scott The Far Frontiertrue- Sheriff Robin Hood Of Texastrue- Deliveryman Flame of Barbary Coasttrue- Townsman Citizen Kanetrue- Inquirer Reporter (uncredited) Faces in the Fogtrue- Juror Alias Boston Blackietrue- Police Dispatcher Sergeant (uncredited) Shut My Big Mouthtrue- Stage Line Agent The Arizona Cowboytrue- Sheriff Fuller The Wyoming Bandittrue- Deputy Marshal Desperadoes of the Westtrue- Bowers Montana Desperadotrue- Jim Berry Frisco Tornadotrue- 1st Stage Driver The Girl from San Lorenzotrue- The Phoney Pancho Hills of Oklahomatrue- Rancher Johnson Juvenile Courttrue- Cop at Drug Store (uncredited) The Egyptiantrue- Patient Blazing Six Shooterstrue- Sheriff Son of Zorrotrue- Stockton Stagecoach to Denvertrue- Henchman Duke Santa Fe Uprisingtrue- Madison Pike Oregon Trail Scoutstrue- Henchman Jack Sun Valley Cyclonetrue- Luce The Sunday Round-Uptrue- Jack Higgins Back in the Saddletrue- Rancher Williams The Lone Wolf Takes a Chancetrue- Cop In Charge of Vault Opening The Son of Davy Crocketttrue- Henchman Lance California Joetrue- Henchman North from the Lone Startrue- Dusty Daggett The Lone Star Vigilantestrue- Sergeant Charley Cobb Down Rio Grande Waytrue- Henchman Stoner Tonto Basin Outlawstrue- Henchman Jim Stark Wyoming Wildcattrue- Duke Edwards aka Sam Collins Man from Montanatrue- Dakota, Thompson Ranch Foreman Riding Through Nevadatrue- Sheriff Law of the Canyontrue- T.D. Wilson (uncredited) Prairie Schoonerstrue- Blacksmith Rusty West of Carson Citytrue- Stagedriver Sleepy (as Eddie Cobb) Outlaws of Stampede Passtrue- Henchman Hank The Devil's Trailtrue- Henchman Sid Howland The Lone Prairietrue- Sheriff The Stranger From Pecostrue- Bert Salem Six Gun Gospeltrue- Henchman Waco The Ghost Ridertrue- Henchman Zach Saddler Saddles and Sagebrushtrue- Henchman Cutter Raiders of Ghost Citytrue- Henchman Rawhide The Old Texas Trailtrue- Joe Gardner, posing as Jim Wiley Man from Oklahomatrue- Henchman Ferguson The Cherokee Flashtrue- Jones Renegades of the Rio Grandetrue- Henchman Karl Holbrook Outlaws of Santa Fetrue- Marshal Billings The Last Horsemantrue- Waco posing as Bill Rogan (uncredited) Law of the Valleytrue- Dan Stanton Raiders of the Bordertrue- McGee West of the Rio Grandetrue- Henchman Curly Frontier Feudtrue- Homesteader Nat Red River Renegadestrue- Mark Webster Rio Grande Raiderstrue- Frank Harding Song of Arizonatrue- Sheriff Jim Clark The El Paso Kidtrue- Sheriff Frank Stoner Days of Buffalo Billtrue- Banker Jacob Lewis Last Frontier Uprisingtrue- Sheriff Hanlon The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gaptrue- Lem Land of the Lawlesstrue- Hank Carson City Raiderstrue- Old Sheriff The James Brothers of Missouritrue- The Sheriff [Chs. 6-8] The Bold Frontiersmantrue- Deputy Pete Smoking Gunstrue- Henchman Arizona Bad Mantrue- Sonny Karns - Gunman Deep in the Heart of Texastrue- Lieutenant Matthews Hidden Dangertrue- Sheriff Across the Sierrastrue- Mac Fawcett The Vanishing Westernertrue- Mort The Arizona Terrortrue- Pete - Henchman Come On, Tarzantrue- Injun - Cowhand Riders of Death Valleytrue- Salty Sabotage Squadtrue- Officer Brody How High Is Up?true- Construction Foreman (uncredited) Sheriff of Wichitatrue- U.S. Marshal James Rustlers of Red Dogtrue- Henchman Buck [Chs. 1-2, 6-9, 11-12] Go West, Young Ladytrue- Stagecoach Guard Man with the Steel Whiptrue- Lee, Buckboard Driver [Chs. 2, 3] Hidden Gunstrue- Ben Williams The Oklahoma Womantrue- Deputy Sam Blazing the Western Trailtrue- Sheriff Turner Four Square Stevetrue- Steve Lay That Rifle Downtrue- Sheriff Cushing Law of the Rio Grandetrue- 'The Blanco Kid' Timber Country Troubletrue- Sheriff Murder in Greenwich Villagetrue- City Cop Hands Across the Rockiestrue- Ranger What Men Wanttrue- Party Boy Sweethearts of the U.S.A.true- Ghost of Captain Kidd General Custer at the Little Big Horntrue- Captain Harry Page The Cheyenne Tornadotrue- Pete Lang I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Islandtrue- Quarry Guard Colorado Trailtrue- Cameron I'm from the Citytrue- Red, Ranch Hand Tales of Terrortrue- Driver ("Morella") Lightning Triggerstrue- Blackie (as Ed Cobb) Runaway Daughterstrue- Private Detective Destroyertrue- 1st Workman Mission to Moscowtrue- Heckler (uncredited) Oklahoma Outlawstrue- Doolin (uncredited) Riders of Black Rivertrue- Colt Foster - Henchman Song of the Rangetrue- Thomas 'Tom' Manning The Mighty Trevetrue- Slego 3 Kids and a Queentrue- Cop Fangs of Destinytrue- Jerry Matthews The Four-Footed Rangertrue- Jack Dunne Take One False Steptrue- Policeman (uncredited) Twelve Crowded Hourstrue- Pool Hall Proprietor (uncredited) The Desperate Hourstrue- Mr. Walling Looking for Troubletrue- Phil Curtis Murder in Times Squaretrue- Detective Human Targetstrue- Remsden The Amazing Colossal Mantrue- Dr. McDermott Gold Is Where You Find Ittrue- Miner (uncredited) The Phantom Speakstrue- Execution Official (Uncredited) Escape in the Fogtrue- Detective (uncredited) Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaderstrue- Warner Naughty Mariettatrue- Mercenary Scout (uncredited) Motorcycle Gangtrue- Attville Cafe Manager Movie Crazytrue- Bill, Harold's Classmate (Uncredited) Rustler's Paradisetrue- Larry Martin Blue Montana Skiestrue- Joe Brennan Heart of Virginiatrue- Gas Station Attendant Sergeant Murphytrue- Gruff's Adjutant The Missing Jurortrue- Police Detective Cahan (Uncredited) The Raidtrue- Stationmaster (uncredited) Challenge of the Rangetrue- Henchman (archive footage) (uncredited) Riding Wildtrue- John Jones (as Eddie Cobb) Across the Bordertrue- Ranger Curley Smith Canadian Pacifictrue- Jim (uncredited) Tex Granger: Midnight Rider of the Plainstrue- Eddie (uncredited) The Westernertrue- Joe Allen Captain Jinks of the Horse Marinestrue- Charlie La Martine Clancy of the Mountedtrue- Constable Kelcy A Pueblo Legendtrue- A Rider The Frame-Uptrue- George Andrews (uncredited) Yankee Fakirtrue- Townsman Reading Paper Law of the Plainstrue- Slagle Two Yanks in Trinidadtrue- Plainclothesman (uncredited)