Nancy Fish
Nancy Fish
Top Movie Cast
The Masktrue- Mrs. Peenman Kiss Kiss Bang Bangtrue- NY Casting Woman Sleeping with the Enemytrue- Woman on Bus The Exorcist IIItrue- Nurse Allerton Death Becomes Hertrue- Rose More American Graffititrue- Police Matron Dr. Gigglestrue- Elaine Henderson Troop Beverly Hillstrue- Mrs. Grundman Caught in the Acttrue- Older Rachel Nervous Tickstrue- Mrs. Fennel Love Shacktrue- Honey Malone Light Blasttrue- Bonnie Rolando Two Moon Junctiontrue- Ball M.C. Beethoventrue- Miss Grundel Cutting Classtrue- Mrs. Knocht Freebie and the Beantrue- Mrs. Franklin (uncredited) Terminator 2: Judgment Daytrue- Roadside Window Woman (Special Edition Restoration) (uncredited) Student Exchangetrue- Vera Merchants of Venustrue- Eppy Reflections on a Crimetrue- Ellen Dangerous Passiontrue- Blake Ghost in the Machinetrue- Karl's Landlord Howard the Ducktrue- Bag Lady Surfer, Dudetrue- Margaret Andy Warhol Screen Teststrue- Self The Giving Treetrue- Harrison's Mom Parent Trap IIItrue- Judge Steelyard Bluestrue- Pool Hall Waitress Cardiac Arresttrue- Tiffany Sudden Impacttrue- Historical Society Woman The Fabulous Baker Boystrue- Laughing Bar Patron Hiding Outtrue- Mrs. Billings New Suittrue- Small Time Agent Twice Upon a Timetrue- Rusher of Din: Woman Under Dryer