Zaira Zoccheddu
Zaira Zoccheddu
Top Movie Cast
Cross of the Seven Jewelstrue- Madame Amnesia L'albero della maldicenzatrue Hotel Paradisetrue- Muriel's Cell-Mate Nazi Love Camp 27true- Love Camp Prisoner (uncredited) Achtung! The Desert Tigerstrue- Jewish girl Nothing Underneathtrue- Spied Girl (uncredited) Savage Islandtrue- Prisoner Police Intervene in the House of Lovetrue- Drunken Prostitute Escape from Helltrue- Lucy Inhibitionstrue- Woman in Flashback (uncredited) L'Italia in pigiamatrue- Rosaria The Sins of a Young Country Wifetrue- Milly Mutant Sexual Behaviortrue Mizzzzica... ma che è proibitissimo?true