Isarco Ravaioli
Isarco Ravaioli
Top Movie Cast
The Hand on the Rifletrue Snow Devilstrue- Norton's Communications Technician Deadly Inheritancetrue- Jules Didier Let's Go And Kill Sartanatrue- Sheriff Chet Hammer Assault on Fort Texantrue- Lieutenent Webb A Man Called Amentrue- Solitaire The Truth According to Satantrue- Roibert Vulcan, Son of Giovetrue- Mercurius Djuradotrue- Federal Agent Achtung! The Desert Tigerstrue- Lt. Keller Francis the Smugglertrue- Marinaio al bar Secret Agent 777true- Professor's Assistant Heads or Tailstrue- Deputy sheriff Hold Il seme di Cainotrue- Giovanni F.B.I. Operation Baalbecktrue- Franz The Hanging Womantrue- Town's Mayor Quel giorno Dio non c'era (Il caso Defregger)true- German Officer Casablanca, Nest of Spiestrue Revelations of a Psychiatrist on the World of Sexual Perversiontrue- Psychiatrist The Old Testamenttrue- Giovanni Pirates of Blood Islandtrue Heroes Without Glorytrue- Major Briggs Oscenitàtrue- Dr. Roberts Sandokan Fights Backtrue- Sitar Tough to Killtrue- Duchesne Magic Momentstrue- Friend of the stripper (uncredited) The Invincible Sixtrue- Giorgio Danger: Diaboliktrue- Valmont's Henchman #2 The Virgin of Balitrue- Dr. Arnold Colpo sensazionale al servizio del Sifartrue- Special Agent George Hansen The Woman's Confidanttrue LSD Flesh of Deviltrue- Alex Corey The Vampire and the Ballerinatrue- Luca Stream Linetrue- SS tedesco in casa del Dr. Roder The Maniacstrue- Eros (segment 'Il week-end') Wanted Johnny Texastrue- Sergeant Mills, Texas Rangers