Franco Villa
Franco Villa
Top Movie Cast
The Return of the Exorcisttrue- Head physician Top Movie Crew
Patrick Still LivestrueCrew
Peccati a VeneziatrueCamera
The Price of DeathtrueCamera
Divisione FolgoretrueCamera
And Now... Make Your Peace with GodtrueCamera
One Damned Day at Dawn... Django Meets Sartana!trueCamera
Make the Sign of the Cross, Stranger!trueCamera
Violence and LovetrueCrew
My Name Is PecostrueCamera
The Italian ConnectiontrueCamera
Your Turn to DietrueCamera
Seven Times SeventrueCamera
Silence the WitnesstrueCamera
Mariti in pericolotrueCamera
I magnifici tretrueCamera
Gunman of One Hundred CrossestrueCamera
2 mattacchioni al Moulin RougetrueCamera
Canzoni, bulli e pupetrueCamera
Shoot the Living and Pray for the DeadtrueCamera
My Pal, Dr. JekylltrueCamera
Doctor and the HealertrueCamera
L'eredità dello zio buonanimatrueCamera
Confessions of a Frustrated HousewifetrueCamera
È mezzanotte... butta giù il cadaveretrueCamera
A Bull for MountstrueCamera
Sartana and His Shadow of DeathtrueCrew
Il padrone sono metrueCamera
The Most Wonderful MomenttrueCamera
Canzoni... in bikinitrueCamera
The Tanks of El AlameintrueCamera
Sign of the GladiatortrueCamera
The Devil's CavalierstrueCamera
Rocco e le sorelletrueCamera
Wolves in the AbysstrueCamera
Juke Box - Screams of LovetrueCamera
Soldati e caporalitrueCamera
Maskenball bei Scotland YardtrueCamera
Red Roses for the FuhrertrueCamera
L'albero della maldicenzatrueCrew
Slaughter HoteltrueCamera
Quando gli angeli piangonotrueCamera
Lieutenant GiorgiotrueCamera
Che dottoressa ragazzi!trueCamera
Moglie nuda e sicilianatrueCamera
Who's Afraid of ZorrotrueCamera
The Godfather's FriendtrueCamera
Karzan, Jungle LordtrueCamera
All the Other Girls Do!trueCamera
Desideri d'estatetrueCamera
First Tango in Rome: Romance and AlchemytrueCamera
The Return of the ExorcisttrueCamera
Slave Girls of ShebatrueCamera
Shoot First, Die LatertrueCamera
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?trueCamera
Say Your Prayers... and Dig Your Grave!trueCamera
Giallo in VenicetrueCamera
Satan's Baby DolltrueCamera