Eva Ebner
Eva Ebner
Top Movie Cast
The Trixxertrue- Miss Drycunt Never Sleep Againtrue- Kinswoman Linie 1true- Graue Pantherin Freak Orlandotrue- Frau Gorgo The Zombie Walkstrue- Secretary The Specimentrue- Museumsbesucherin / Dame Die unheimlichen Briefetrue- Miss Thinwhister Neurosia: Fifty Years of Perversitytrue- Self Now or Nevertrue- Mager Sinn In the Country of My Parentstrue- Herself The Passenger – Welcome to Germanytrue Unser Kindermädchen ist ein Millionärtrue- Alte Dame Auf den Spuren Winnetoustrue- Self Meeting Venustrue- Von Binder's Mother Abbuzze! Der Badesalz-Filmtrue- Gastrolle Around the World in 80 Daystrue- Crazy Lady The Door with Seven Lockstrue- Ansagerin am Flughafen (voice) Long Legs, Long Fingerstrue Love Is Only a Wordtrue- Rezeptionistin (uncredited) Top Movie Crew
Again the RingertrueDirecting
Flaming FrontiertrueDirecting
Hauser's MemorytrueDirecting
Freak OrlandotrueDirecting
Dorian Gray in the Mirror of the Yellow PresstrueDirecting
To the Bitter EndtrueDirecting
Tears of BloodtrueDirecting
Frontier HellcattrueDirecting
Rosa LuxemburgtrueDirecting
The Indian TombtrueDirecting
The Mysterious MagiciantrueDirecting
Mark of the TortoisetrueDirecting
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter PalmentrueDirecting
Drei Männer im SchneetrueDirecting
The Curse of the Yellow SnaketrueDirecting
Und sowas nennt sich LebentrueDirecting
And That on Monday MorningtrueDirecting
The Tiger of EschnapurtrueDirecting
A Time to Love and a Time to DietrueDirecting
Gott schützt die LiebendentrueDirecting
Life Is Like a CucumbertrueWriting
Girls in UniformtrueDirecting
The Spy Who Never WastrueDirecting
Meine 99 BräutetrueDirecting
An Alibi for DeathtrueDirecting
School of FeartrueDirecting
Love Is Only a WordtrueDirecting