Yo Oizumi
Yo Oizumi
Top Movie Cast
Spirited Awaytrue- Bantai Frog Service (voice) May I Quit Being A Mom!?true- Narrator Professor Layton and the Eternal Divatrue- Professor Layton (voice) Mom, Is That You?!true- Kanzaki Akio The Cat Returnstrue- Japanese Teacher (voice) 73rd NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassentrue- Host TEAM NACS FILMS N43°true- Yo Oizumi 72nd NHK Kōhaku Uta Gassentrue The Boy and the Beasttrue- Tatara (voice) Phone Call to the Bartrue- The Detective Phases of the Moontrue- Kei Osanai Bread of Happinesstrue- Mizushima Kitaro and the Millennium Cursetrue- Ratman The Kiyosu Conferencetrue- Hideyoshi Toyotomi Detective in the Bar 2true- taitei I Am a Herotrue- Hideo Suzuki When Marnie Was Theretrue- Dr. Yamashita (voice) Ano Hi Bokura no Inochi wa Toiretto Pepa yori mo Karukattatrue- Jiro Kano Twilight: Saya in Sasaratrue- Yutaro Nasu: A Migratory Bird with Suitcasetrue- Pepe (voice) A Bolt from the Bluetrue- Haruo Domeki / Shotaro Domeki 吉田羊NIGHT SPECTACLES THE PARALLEL~ウタウヒツジ~25TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIALtrue A Drop of the Grapevinetrue- Ao Case Closed: The Million-Dollar Pentagramtrue- Yoshihisa Kawazoe (voice) Kakekomitrue- Nobujiro Nakamura Akechi Mitsuhide: The man God hatedtrue- Hidemitsu Akechi Drucker in the Dug-Outtrue- Makoto Kachi Brave Storytrue- Ki-Kima (voice) Sugar & Spicetrue- Shocho Gold Medal Mantrue- Teacher Kawahara Tokyo Ghoultrue- Kureo Mado Fullmetal Alchemisttrue- Shou Tucker Nasu: Summer in Andalusiatrue- Pepe Benengeli (voice) The Last Shot in the Bartrue- Private Detective Yakiniku Dragontrue- Tetsuo A Banana? At This Time of Night?true- Yasuaki Kano After the Raintrue- Masami Kondo My Dad Is a Heel Wrestlertrue- Chief Editor Restaurant from the Skytrue- Wataru Doraemon: Nobita's Treasure Islandtrue- Captain Silver (voice) Looking Up at the Half-Moontrue- Dr. Natsume Kuroido Goroshitrue- Dr. Shiba Heisuke Older Brother, Younger Sistertrue- Shinosuke Akaza Silver Angeltrue- Haruo Mutsugi Howl's Moving Castletrue- Prince Justin / Turnip Head (voice) The Day I Bought a Startrue- Maykinso (Voice) The Untold Tale of the Three Kingdomstrue- Liu Bei Kiba: The Fangs of Fictiontrue- Teruya Hayami Farewell: Comedy of Life Begins with a Lietrue Asakusa Kidtrue- Fukami Senzaburo Food Luck!true- Minoru Ozaki Little Ghostly Adventures of Tofu Boytrue Shimoarai kyōdai no supuringu, hazu, kamutrue The Last Town We Sawtrue- Tamiya Taichi Kakukaku Shikajikatrue- Hidaka Top Movie Crew
Shimoarai kyōdai no supuringu, hazu, kamutrueWriting
Shimoarai kyōdai no supuringu, hazu, kamutrueDirecting
TEAM NACS FILMS N43°trueDirecting
TEAM NACS FILMS N43°trueWriting
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