Marcia Bennett
Marcia Bennett
Top Movie Cast
The Dive from Clausen's Piertrue- Barbara Fraser Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporiumtrue- Lora Happy Face Murderstrue- Judge Peale The Brady Bunch in the White Housetrue- Secretary of H & H Services The Woodstrue- Mrs. Mackinaw Serendipitytrue- Mrs. Louis Trager Christmas Movie Magictrue- Diane Trapped in Paradisetrue- Bus Station Clerk Adventures in Babysittingtrue- Nurse Who Is Clark Rockefeller?true- Aunt Marjorie Grey Gardenstrue- Hostess The Night Before the Night Before Christmastrue- Mrs. Claus Christmas on Windmill Waytrue- Ann Canadian Straintrue- Gloria What Katy Didtrue- Mrs. Pattifer Gilda Radner: It's Always Somethingtrue- Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine 'Dibby' Gillies To Love, Honor, & Betraytrue- Woman Friend Small Vicestrue- Mrs. Henderson Booky's Crushtrue- Elderly Woman Murder in the Hamptonstrue- Psychiatrist The Magic of Marcianotrue- Carol A Matter of Sextrue- Clara A Christmas Masqueradetrue- Viktoria Ed McBain's 87th Precinct: Icetrue- Laura Edelman Plague City: SARS in Torontotrue- Babs Polaski Hoover vs. the Kennedys: The Second Civil Wartrue- Angie Novello Sex & Mrs. Xtrue- Margaret Terminal Invasiontrue- Gloria The Hurricanetrue- Jean Wahl The Sweetest Gifttrue- Librarian One Small Visittrue- Viola Armstrong Bad to the Bonetrue- Judge Sick Girltrue- Lana Beasley Fugitive Piecestrue- Mrs. Taylor Northpole: Open for Christmastrue- Betty The Forget-Me-Not Murderstrue- Laura Foy Scared Shitlesstrue- Mrs. Applebaum Traptrue- Cooper's Mother Godsendtrue- Principal Hersch Country Crushtrue- Mrs. Stanley Jesse Stone: Sea Changetrue- Hilda Evans Widow on the Hilltrue- Dotty Sleeping Dogs Lietrue- Megan The Tuxedotrue- Water Executive Cheaterstrue- Joan Isenberg Snap Decisiontrue- Barbara Entertaining Christmastrue- Mrs. Deevers The Performancetrue- Maggie Moore He's Fired, She's Hiredtrue- Rose Randall The Music in Metrue- Ellen Feel the Beattrue- Grandma Billy Madisontrue- 4th Grade Teacher Bark Rangertrue- Librarian The Kid Detectivetrue- Secretary The Big Fat Stonetrue- Lady Being Mugged Christmas à la Cartetrue- Marian The Pink Chiquitastrue- Tourist Mom Bless the Childtrue- Head Nurse Remember Metrue- Librarian Top Movie Crew
Should've Been RomeotrueDirecting
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