Albert Michel
Albert Michel
Top Movie Cast
The Gardener of Argenteuiltrue- Le patron du café d'Argenteuil Obsessiontrue- Le réptionniste de l'hôtel rouennais The Gangtrue- The photograph The Night of the Following Daytrue- Taxi Driver (uncredited) The Vanquishedtrue- Georges's Father (uncredited) Shadow and Lighttrue- le patron A Mouse with the Mentrue- Le caissier du 'Bon Marché' Sideral Cruisestrue- Police station employee (uncredited) Pontcarral, Empire Coloneltrue Haut le venttrue- Boat passenger (uncredited) Dis bonjour à la dame !..true- Robert's old friend at the party Voyage Without Hopetrue- Un membre d'équipage (uncredited) Life of Pleasuretrue- Clergyman (uncredited) The Island of Lovetrue- Allilaire's butler The Hunchbacktrue- (uncredited) Behind These Wallstrue- Correspondent from Holland Thirty and Fortytrue- Stutterer traveler in the train Mensongestrue- Prison clerk Hi-Jack Highwaytrue- Le facteur The Sea Rosetrue- A mechanic Alert Nightstrue- (uncredited) Six Hours to Losetrue- Le porteur Silence Is Goldentrue- Zanzi Le 84 prend des vacancestrue- Vacuum cleaner sales representative Cruise for the Unknown Onetrue- The bosun The Killer is Listeningtrue- The fireman (uncredited) Monelletrue- Mr. Coignard, deputy director of the bank (uncredited) Cité de l'espérancetrue- Father La Fraise The Cupboard Was Baretrue- Agent (uncredited) Third at Hearttrue- Bastien My Friend Sainfointrue- Boy Bed for Twotrue- The SNCF controller Fantomas Against Fantomastrue- Un agent (uncredited) Sins of Youthtrue- Un joueur de billard Cartouche, King of Paristrue- Spy L'échafaud peut attendretrue- Male nurse Justice Is Donetrue- Gendarme carrying the summons (uncredited) God Needs Mentrue- Le Bail Jo la Romancetrue- The valet Paris Incidenttrue- The cafe owner La Bataille du feutrue- Advisor The King of the Bla Bla Blatrue- Charlie The Cupid Clubtrue- Guardian How to Keep the Red Lamp Burningtrue- Court clerk (segment "Le Procès") Thus Finishes the Nighttrue- The inspector I Love Only Youtrue- Un garçon de café du Négresco (uncredited) Barrytrue- Un moine (uncredited) Keep an Eye on Ameliatrue The Cape of Hopetrue- Un joueur de cartes Alone in Paristrue- Le 1er employé du commissariat Paris Still Sings!true- An agent (uncredited) Ève et le serpenttrue- Valet Without Leaving an Addresstrue- M. Marpin, un futur père Tomorrow We Get Divorcedtrue- Manservant A Night at a Honeymoontrue Sorcerortrue- A defendant (uncredited) Matrimonial Agencytrue- The fisherman (uncredited) Drôle de nocetrue- Cornil's son Full Housetrue- Brigadier (segment "Le témoignage d'un enfant de choeur") (uncredited) Les Petites Cardinaltrue- The Gendarme (uncredited) The Prettiest Sin in the Worldtrue- The servant (uncredited) The Devil and the Ten Commandmentstrue- Le maraîcher The Last Robin Hoodtrue- Gendarme Gigolotrue- Antoine (uncredited) The Midnight Witnesstrue- (uncredited) Follow That Mantrue- Prison controller Back to the Walltrue- le concierge (uncredited) Hassan Terro's Escapetrue The Sleeping Car Murdertrue- Le patron du bistrot (uncredited) Under the Sign of the Bulltrue- Le bistrot ferrailleur The Secrets of the Bedtrue- Un déménageur The Count of Bragelonnetrue- Le gardien (uncredited) Daughters of Destinytrue- Monk (segment "Jeanne") (uncredited) La Gourmandisetrue- Swiss at the church (uncredited) The Hunchback of Notre Dametrue- Night Watchman Blood to the Headtrue- Duleux, le chef de gare (uncredited) The Seven Deadly Sinstrue- Le Suisse à l'Église (segment "La gourmandise") (uncredited) The Rebels of Lomanachtrue- Soldier who shaves (uncredited) The Blue Panthertrue- (uncredited) The Sheep Has Five Legstrue- Le patron du bistrot Sous le signe de Monte-Cristotrue- Albert Michel Les gros malinstrue- Boss of the bistro La Traversée de Paristrue- Concierge of the rue de Turenne (uncredited) Love and the Frenchwomantrue- Le curé dans le train (segment "Le Mariage") Les amoureux de Mariannetrue We're Moving the Coloneltrue- Gendarme Sister Angele's Secrettrue The Secret of Helene Marimontrue Fric-frac en dentellestrue Casse-cou, mademoiselle!true Les Lavandières du Portugaltrue- Painter The Cat Shows Her Clawstrue The Gigolotrue- Fishmonger (uncredited) Love Descends from the Skytrue Meeting in Paristrue- The locksmith Mimì Bluette... Flower of My Gardentrue- Painter - photographer The Motorcycle Copstrue- Myopic postman Soupe au laittrue- Colleague The Big Swagtrue- Station chief (uncredited) A Woman in White Revoltstrue Ma femme, ma vache et moitrue Seul... à corps perdutrue Give Her the Moontrue- President of the jury The Boss of Champignoltrue- Peasant L'Auvergnat et l'Autobustrue Two for the Roadtrue- Customs Officer (uncredited) Gangster Bosstrue- Le voisin d'en face Speaking of Murdertrue- L'employé du garage Le Rouge et le Noirtrue- Bell ringer La Marraine de Charleytrue- Gaston Last Chance Castletrue- L'habilleur The Glass Castletrue- Le charmeur d'oiseaux Hardboiled Egg Timetrue- Mr Charretier, le concierge La Bonne Planquetrue- Inspector Péquinet Un amour de pluietrue- Cafe customer The Donkey of Zigliaratrue- Priest François Villontrue- Accused farmer Private Screeningtrue- Le concierge de Denis Beauties of the Nighttrue- Le facteur Jean de la Lunetrue- Stamped gentleman (uncredited) Army of Shadowstrue- Gendarme Order of the Daisytrue- Le charcutier Anyone Can Kill Metrue- Le gardien-brigadier Bricart Explosive Vacation!true- Le camionneur qui transporte le tableau Male Companiontrue- Monsieur Leroux (uncredited) The Counterfeiters of Paristrue- Postman The Baron of the Lockstrue- Guest of the hostel Serenade of Texastrue- Albert, un employé du magasin The Wing or the Thigh?true- Morand Le Deuxième Souffletrue- Marcel 'le Stéphanois' L'Auberge de l'ange gardientrue- Le garde-champêtre The Moment of Truthtrue- Le second comédien en tournée The Fugitivestrue- Un prisonnier Papa, Mama, the Maid and Itrue- Prompter at the performance Les Hommes en blanctrue- Un paysan The Little Rebelstrue- Neighboring farmer asking for the ladder Love Is My Professiontrue- Eugène, le patron du bazar (uncredited) Soupçonstrue- Le garde chasse The Gates of Paristrue- the grocer (uncredited) Papa, Mama, My Wife and Metrue- L'employé S.N.C.F. (uncredited) Don't Play with Martianstrue The Four Truthstrue- Un collègue de Charles Maigret Sees Redtrue- Le concierge de l'hôtel The Truthtrue- Un journaliste (uncredited) Un revenanttrue- Le pompier de service (uncredited) Thank Heaven for Small Favorstrue- Sacristain My Seal and Themtrue- Le poissonnier The Earrings of Madame de...true- Le second cocher du baron (uncredited) The Old Guardtrue- Goujon son