Chu Kong
Chu Kong
Top Movie Cast
Godfather from Cantontrue- Fights at the Pier Fearless Hyena 2true- Heaven / Earth's Man in Gold (uncredited) The Young Mastertrue- Prison Convoy Guard (uncredited) Mercenaries from Hong Kongtrue- Lei Tai's Captive Five Superfighterstrue- Scam Dealer's Thug Homicidal Maniactrue- Hu's partner Bloody Parrottrue- City Guard Basic Impulsetrue- Carman's Father The Pretty Ghostress Storytrue Devil Cursetrue- Chan Che's Friend Man Behind the Sun 2: Laboratory of the Deviltrue- Hayashida Yoshio Lan Kwai Fong Swingerstrue- Movie Director Men Behind the Sun 3: A Narrow Escapetrue- Japanese Officer Shaolin Princetrue- Shaolin Lohan Monk Top Movie Crew
Amusing StartrueDirecting
The Legend of Drunken MastertrueArt
Lan Kwai Fong SwingerstrueDirecting