George Ardisson
George Ardisson
Top Movie Cast
Hercules in the Haunted Worldtrue- Thesus (Teseo) Cross of the Seven Jewelstrue- Boss from Sicily Juliet of the Spiritstrue- Dolores' model The Last of the Vikingstrue- Guntar Eyes Behind the Starstrue- Agent for 'The Silencers' Erik the Conquerortrue- Erik, Duke of Helford Date for a Murdertrue- Vince Dreyser Getting Eventrue- Agent Roberts La donna del maretrue- Alfred Wanfel Amoktrue- Le chef de la police Delittitrue- Chief of Police (as Giorgio Ardisson) Challenge the Deviltrue- Gugo Agent 3S3, Massacre in the Suntrue- Walter Ross, Agent 3S3 Django Challenges Sartanatrue- Sartana Massacre At Grand Canyontrue- Tully / Rudy Dancer A Man Called Amentrue- Amen / Johnny Chapaqua's Goldtrue- Jack "Doc" Harrison May God Forgive You... But I Won'ttrue- Cjamango McDonald Clap, You're Deadtrue- Inspector Menzel Your Sweet Body to Killtrue- Clive Ardington Zorro the Foxtrue- Don Diego Alcantara / Zorro Inmatetrue- commissario di polizia The Long Hair of Deathtrue- Baron Kurt Humboldt A Virgin in the Familytrue- L'Ingegnere, padre di Angela Hercules and the Princess of Troytrue- Leander Morgan, the Piratetrue- Walter What a Girltrue- Prof. Mueller L'ingenuatrue- Piero Spazin C.I.A. Secret Storytrue- Patrick Countdown to Doomsdaytrue- Jeff Milton Zorro in the Court of Spaintrue- Riccardo Di Villa Verde / Zorro La lunga sfidatrue- Patrick Gordon Erotic Familytrue- Mario Nicosia Agent 3S3: Passport to Helltrue- Walter Ross, Agent 3S3 La nipotetrue- Piero (as Giorgio Ardisson) Don't Look in the Attictrue- Casati Twist, lolite e vitellonitrue- Massimo Mauri Fatal Fixtrue- Trafficant Night Police Stationtrue- Amedeo Furlan aka il Laureando A Queen for Caesartrue- Achillas The Virgin of Balitrue- David Rank Il torcinasotrue- Police Chief Human Cobrastrue- Tony Garden Il signor Ministro li pretese tutti e subitotrue- Pietro Santini Operation Counterspytrue- asso di picche Lo stallonetrue- Guido, padre di Daniela