Elsa Wagner
Elsa Wagner
Top Movie Cast
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligaritrue- Landlady (uncredited) Emil and the Detectivestrue- Nana The Haunted Castletrue- Yvonne Musik im Bluttrue- Mathilde Children of No Importancetrue- Frau Martens Barcaroletrue- Giacintas Dienerin Elvira The Folk Upstairstrue- Mrs. Ritter Figaros Hochzeittrue- Marcellina The Song of Lifetrue- Erikas Mutter Mad Lovetrue- Richard's mother The Thirteen Trunks of Mr. O.F.true- Sekretärin des Reisebürodirektors Joan of Arctrue- Frau aus dem Volk The March to the Führertrue- Self The Old Fritztrue- Prinzessin Amalie The Old Fritz IItrue- Prinzeß Amalie Das wandernde Lichttrue- Frau von Glassner Die Buddenbrookstrue- Sesemi Weichbrodt Was wissen denn Männertrue- Mutter Kroschelt Three from the stamp officetrue- Die Vermieteri Was wird hier gespielt?true Luthertrue- Luthers Mutter From Morn to Midnighttrue The Monster of London Citytrue- Emily the Housekeeper The Leghorn Hattrue- Baronin Champigny, Pamelas Tante ...and the Sky Above Ustrue- Frau Heise The Waitress Annatrue- Mathilde Noack Manolescu, the Prince of Adventurestrue Wandering Soulstrue- Frau Jepantschin The Student of Praguetrue- Jarmila Atlantictrue- Anna, Heinrich's wife Der große Zauberer - Max Reinhardttrue- Self The Pied Piper of Hamelintrue- Frau des Bürgermeisters (Mayor's Wife) Sweetheart of the Godstrue- Frau Lengefeld