Milton Rosmer
Milton Rosmer
Top Movie Cast
A Woman of No Importancetrue- Lord Illingworth Goodbye, Mr. Chipstrue- Chatteris The Small Back Roomtrue- Prof. Mair The Monkey's Pawtrue- Mr. Robert Trelawne The Phantom Lighttrue- Dr. Carey Lady Windermere's Fantrue- Lord Windermere South Ridingtrue- Alderman Snaith John Wesleytrue- Georgia Trustee The Man Without a Soultrue- Stephen Ferrier The W Plantrue- President of Court Martial High Treasontrue- Ernest Stratton The Stars Look Downtrue- Harry Nugent, MP Atlantic Ferrytrue- George Burns Return to Yesterdaytrue- Sambourne Let's Be Famoustrue- Albert Pinbright Fame Is the Spurtrue- Magistrate The Lion Has Wingstrue- Head of Observer Corps Dangerous Commenttrue- Major Brett Wuthering Heightstrue- Heathcliff Top Movie Crew
Emil and the DetectivestrueDirecting
The Secret of the LochtrueDirecting
Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red BarntrueDirecting
Channel CrossingtrueDirecting
The ChallengetrueDirecting
Everything Is ThundertrueDirecting
The Great BarriertrueDirecting
After the BalltrueDirecting
The Great BarriertrueWriting
The Perfect LadytrueDirecting