Margaret Rose Keil
Margaret Rose Keil
Top Movie Cast
So Darling, So Deadlytrue- Selena Full Hearts and Empty Pocketstrue La più bella coppia del mondotrue- Ingrid That Kind of Girltrue- Eva La più bella coppia del mondotrue- la svedese Court Martialtrue- Jane, Colonel's Granddaughter And His Name Was Holy Ghosttrue- Consuela The Thousand and One Nights of Boccaccio in Canterburytrue- Fioretta I magnifici tretrue- Juanita I due pezzi da 90true- Bonaria Three Giants of the Roman Empiretrue- sorella di Caio Appio Women of Devil's Islandtrue- Rosy Put Your Devil Into My Helltrue- Amalasunta La Missione del Mandrillotrue Decameroticustrue- Nardella Fra' Tazio da Velletritrue- Ginevra Escape from Galaxy 3true- Village Elder's Wife Inn of 1000 Sinstrue- Evelyn The Forbidden Decamerontrue- Monna Beatrice The Big Bust-Outtrue- Gail The Girl of a Thousand Monthstrue Curse of the Red Butterflytrue Scusi eminenza... posso sposarmi?true Suppose... I Break Your Necktrue- Mireille Addio, mamma!true- Margherita The Police Are Blundering in the Darktrue- Enrichetta Blond The Swindlerstrue- Daughter of Gustav Schultz (segment "Siciliani") The Twelve-Handed Men of Marstrue Helen, Yes... Helen of Troytrue- Clitemnestra Profile Images
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