Jacques Bézard
Jacques Bézard
Top Movie Cast
Kiss Kiss, Kill Killtrue- Capt. Olson So Darling, So Deadlytrue- Charly The Wicked Go to Helltrue- (uncredited) The Triumph of Michael Strogofftrue The Babes Make the Lawtrue Général... nous voilà !true- German Officer Operation Abductiontrue- Sniper of the silent partner Un homme se penche sur son passétrue L'Ennemi dans l'ombretrue Poussez pas grand-père dans les cactustrue Black Eagle of Santa Fetrue- Pasqual Thirteen Days to Dietrue- Francis Mutiny in the South Seastrue- Chick How to Play the Seduction Gametrue Heißes Pflaster Kölntrue- Emil The Sextroverttrue- Jacques Girl on the Third Floortrue- (uncredited) Secret of the Chinese Carnationtrue- Monk, the Barman