Cody Tudor
Cody Tudor
Top Movie Cast
Camp Blood 666 Part 2: Exorcism of the Clowntrue- Cody The Last House of Horrortrue Amityville Leprechauntrue- Jebidiah Maracuse Teddiscaretrue- Podcaster Faces of Dying Vtrue- Actor Amityville Ride-Sharetrue- Uncle Sol Amityville Webcamtrue- Rake Man/Coco Blamedtrue- Officer Johnny Blaize Paranoia Tapes X: The Night Stalker Case Investigationtrue- Uncle Sol Pond Sharktrue- News Reporter Silent Night, Bloody Night 3: Descenttrue- Nature Boy Top Movie Crew
Amityville LeprechauntrueProduction
Faces of Dying VtrueDirecting
Faces of Dying VItrueDirecting