Sophie Grimaldi
Sophie Grimaldi
Top Movie Cast
Fort Sagannetrue- Mère de Madeleine Captain Fracassetrue- Zerbine Christinetrue- Mizzi Schlager Wise Guystrue- La fiancée Clock Headtrue- Mme Verjou The Ones That Got Awaytrue- Lucie Scout Toujourstrue- Madeleine Bebert and the Traintrue- La jolie rousse The Associatetrue- L'antiquaire sans-gêne The Dialogue of the Carmelitestrue The Sword and the Balancetrue- Brigitte The Braintrue- La blonde du train Cadavres en vacancestrue- the showgirl Et ta sœur...true- Francine Venus Beauty Institutetrue- Madame Langevin - La cliente de Marie Highway Pick-Uptrue- Starlet Guinguettetrue- La méridionale Sweet and Sourtrue- (uncredited)