Ruby LaRocca
Ruby LaRocca
Top Movie Cast
The Erotic Mirrortrue- Stacy Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriorstrue- Clitoris' Wench Spiderbabetrue- Subway Girl Erotic Survivortrue- Esmerelda Skin Crawltrue- Franco's Wife Blood for the Musetrue- Ingrid Dr. Jekyll & Mistress Hydetrue- Paula Beswick My Vampire Lovertrue- First Love Victim Dr. Horror's Erotic House of Idiotstrue- Jennifer The Devil's Bloody Playthingstrue- Christine An Erotic Werewolf in Londontrue- Ruby Misty's Secrettrue- Esmerelda Lustful Addictiontrue- Ruby Bone Sicknesstrue- Andrea Granger Bikini Girls on Dinosaur Planettrue- Eeek/Dr. Ruby (as Ruby La Rocca) The Erotic Diary of Misty Mundaetrue- Fantasy Girl #2 Night of the Groping Deadtrue Flesh for Oliviatrue- Ruby Girl Seductiontrue- (as Esmerelda DellaRocco) Little Beautiestrue- the girl I Know I Died with Ittrue- Secretary Inside the Next-Door Neighborstrue- Kim Zombie Christtrue- Swimmer The Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the Stringtrue- Bar Maid Where the Dead Go to Dietrue- Sophia / Tommy's Mom / The Hooker / The Lady In The Well (voice) Mummy Raidertrue- Dr. Humboldt The Turnpike Killertrue- Found Footage Girl Zombie Babiestrue- Veronica Call Girl of Cthulhutrue- Billie Orgasm Torture in Satan's Rape Clinictrue- Victim Batbabe: The Dark Nightietrue- Pool Girl 1 Satan's School for Lusttrue- Phoenix Cloak & Shag Hertrue- Serving Girl Peeping in a Girl's Dormitorytrue- Esmerelda New York Wildcatstrue- Ruby the Rattler / Punter Slaughter Daughtertrue- Apple The Losttrue- Elise Hanlon She Wolf Risingtrue- Lace / Lillian The Sexy Sixth Sensetrue- Stripper #3 Sexual Confessionstrue- Ruby The Erotic Witch Project III: Witchbabetrue- Lucy Flesh for the Beasttrue- Cassandra Shadow: Dead Riottrue- Rage Sour Milktrue- Girl at Playground The Erotic Time Machinetrue When Black Birds Flytrue- Dotty The Seduction of Misty Mundaetrue- Party Girl My First Female Lovertrue- Misty's First Female Lover President's Daytrue- Michelle Witch's Brewtrue- Biannca Revenge of the Devil Battrue- Mary Morton Mixed Martial Arts: Busty Nudetrue Top Movie Crew
Flesh for the BeasttrueArt
I Know I Died with IttrueSound
New York WildcatstrueCrew
When Black Birds FlytrueProduction