Ernest Truex
Ernest Truex
Top Movie Cast
His Girl Fridaytrue- Bensinger Life with Blondietrue- Theodor Glassby Private Buckarootrue- Col. Elias Weatherford Come on Intrue- Ernest Short Christmas in Julytrue- Mr. Baxter Six Cylinder Lovetrue- Gilbert Sterling Tillie the Toilertrue- George Winkler An American Citizentrue- Mercury It's a Wonderful Worldtrue- Willie Heyward All Mine to Givetrue- Doctor Delbert Mama Runs Wildtrue- Ernest Summers Star Spangled Rhythmtrue- Murgatroyd Slightly Honorabletrue- P. Hemingway Collins The Adventures of Marco Polotrue- Binguccio The Girl from Manhattantrue- Homer Purdy This Is the Armytrue- Soldier's Father (uncredited) A Good Little Deviltrue- Charles MacLance - a Good Little Devil Night in Paradisetrue- Scribe Whistling in the Darktrue- Wallace Porter Unexpected Uncletrue- Wilkins These Glamour Girlstrue- Alumnus The Affairs of Marthatrue- Llewellyn Castle Fired Wifetrue- Willie Wilson True to Lifetrue- Oscar Elkins We Go Fasttrue- Harold Bruggins Pan-Americanatrue- Uncle Rudy Island of Lost Mentrue- Frobenius Chip Off the Old Blocktrue- Henry McHugh Always Togethertrue- Timothy J. Bull Start Cheeringtrue- Blodgett Calling All Husbandstrue- Homer Trippe Bachelor Mothertrue- Investigator Kraft Television Theatre: Alice in Wonderlandtrue- White Knight The Under-Puptrue- Mr. Binns The Gay Vagabondtrue- A.J. Wilber Swing That Cheertrue- Professor Peabody Little Orvietrue- Frank Stone Freshman Yeartrue- Professor Peabody Swing, Sister, Swingtrue- Prof. L. Orlando Beebee Little Accidenttrue- Tabby Morgan Rhythm of the Islandstrue- Mr. Holton The Leather Sainttrue- Father Ritchie Don't Get Personaltrue- Jules Kinsey Lillian Russelltrue- Charles K. Leonard Dance, Girl, Dancetrue- Bailey #1 Her Primitive Mantrue- Uncle Hubert Capricetrue- Wally Henderson Twilight for the Godstrue- Rev. Butterfield You're Telling Metrue- Charles Handley Everybody Dancetrue- Wilbur Spurgeon Men in Her Diarytrue- Vernon Williams Adventure in Diamondstrue- Toutasche Sleepy Lagoontrue- Dudley Joyner Club Havanatrue- Willy Kingston Get That Venustrue- Tom Wilson Profile Images
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