Roy Gordon
Roy Gordon
Top Movie Cast
Blondie Brings Up Babytrue- Mr. Mason Two Flags Westtrue- Capt. Stanley (uncredited) The Crooked Webtrue- Richard V. Atherton (uncredited) Paris Playboystrue- Senior UN Official The Big Combotrue- Audubon Big Towntrue- Editor Post The Wasp Womantrue- Paul Thompson Flamingo Roadtrue- Senator Flagstedt (uncredited) Silver Lodetrue- Dr. Elmwood Murder Is My Beattrue- Abbott War of the Satellitestrue- The President The Vanquishedtrue- Doctor Colfax Railroaded!true- Jackland Ainsworth The Shanghai Cobratrue- Walter Fletcher Never Say Goodbyetrue- Detective (uncredited) Attack of the 50 Foot Womantrue- Dr. Isaac Cushing The Howards of Virginiatrue- Col. Jefferson Texans Never Crytrue- Frank Bagley Law of the Badlandstrue- Secretary of Treasury (uncredited) Hand of Deathtrue- Dr. Frederick Ramsey Persons in Hidingtrue- John Nast The Gun That Won the Westtrue- Colonel Carrington Jesse James vs. the Daltonstrue Danger Streettrue- John Matthews The FBI Storytrue- Emmett Reese (uncredited) Sued for Libeltrue- Col. Jasper White Beyond the Purple Hillstrue- Judge Beaumont The Iron Sherifftrue- Sorenson So This Is Lovetrue- Otto Kahn The Flying Irishmantrue- Dr. Howard Married Bachelortrue- Hudkins The Great Man Votestrue- Byrne What a Way to Go!true- Minister (uncredited) Two-Faced Womantrue- Man Standing at Lodge Counter (uncredited) Cocoanut Grovetrue- Robert Grayson The Real Glorytrue- Col. Hatch Almost a Gentlemantrue- The Judge Fifth Avenue Girltrue- Board Member (uncredited) The Spellbindertrue- Third Trial Judge The Unearthlytrue- Dr. Loren Wright The Lone Wolf Strikestrue- Phillip Jordan Love Crazytrue- Sanity Hearing Doctor (uncredited) Riders of the Whistling Pinestrue- Supt. John Hoaglund (uncredited) Zero Hour!true- Frank Graham Foreign Correspondenttrue- Mr. Brood The Night of January 16thtrue- Roger Wakefield Virginia Citytrue- Maj. Gen. Taylor (uncredited) Men Against the Skytrue- Judge J. Doran Fox The Spirit of St. Louistrue- Associate Producer (uncredited) Powder Towntrue- Dr. Wayne Indian Territorytrue- Major Farrell Sabotagetrue- (uncredited) Yukon Goldtrue- Inspector The Blonde Bandittrue- Otto Thorndyke War of the Colossal Beasttrue- Mayor of Los Angeles Fangs of the Arctictrue- Mountie Chief Sky Raiderstrue- Maj. Gen. Fletcher [Chs. 1-2, 4, 11-12] My Favorite Spytrue- Major Updyke The Invisible Monstertrue- Mr. Moore So Proudly We Hailtrue- Ship's Captain (Uncredited) Insurance Investigatortrue- George Sullivan Take It or Leave Ittrue- Dr. Edward Preston Lucky Jordantrue- Colonel Rulers of the Seatrue- New York City Mayor (Uncredited) The Fountainheadtrue- Vice-President (uncredited) Million Dollar Legstrue- Dean Wixby The Fearmakerstrue- Sen. Walder The Caribbean Mysterytrue- Gov. Gerald McCracken Sr. Night Editortrue- Benjamin Merrill (Uncredited) Apache Chieftrue- Colonel Martin Queen of the Mobtrue- Mr. Milliken All in a Night's Worktrue- Albright Mule Traintrue- John Macknight (uncredited) The World Was His Jurytrue- H.B. McClay The Broken Silencetrue- Jacques Beauvais Nora Prentisstrue- Dr. Oberlin (uncredited)