Jan Hencz
Jan Hencz
Top Movie Cast
Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Ustrue- Man in Coat Bermuda Triangletrue- Professor (uncredited) Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinematrue- Official at a Screening Little Moscowtrue- pan Władek, opiekun cmentarza The Young Magiciantrue- Professor (uncredited) Olympics 40true- starszy grupy Belgów Vabanktrue- policjant w cywilu And the Violins Stopped Playingtrue- (uncredited) Fenomentrue- ginecologist Pokaż kotku, co masz w środkutrue- bum God's Little Gardentrue- general Świteź Flying Machines Versus Mr. Samochodziktrue- photojournalist from Paris Między ustami a brzegiem pucharutrue- Sperling Co dzień bliżej niebatrue Couragetrue- Passenger with the Newspaper Déjà vutrue- раненый гангстер