Carla Romanelli
Carla Romanelli
Top Movie Cast
Gang War in Milantrue- Virginia The Sensuous Nursetrue- Tosca Floria Zanin The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joetrue- Cristina Le Guignolotrue- Gina, ancienne amante et complice d'Alexandre A Very Moral Nighttrue- Bella Phenomenal and the Treasure of Tutankamentrue- Anna Giomet Casanova & Co.true- Dice Girl (uncredited) Love without Borderstrue- Lila Gerani Una cavalla tutta nudatrue- Pampinea The Fourth Walltrue- Nicoletta Nailed Lipstrue- Consolata Man Only Cries for Lovetrue- Carla The Lonely Ladytrue- Carla Maria Peroni Inconsolable Widows Are Looking For Distractionstrue Le inibizioni del dottor Gaudenzi, vedovo col complesso della buonanimatrue Il Figlioccio del padrinotrue- Onesta Trizzino Profile Images
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